Who are you people?
- Happy 30th Birthday to Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Our good friend Blair Blake makes some interesting comments about CE-III and Spielberg in his Darklore article “Incredible As It May Seem” (all roads seem to lead to Darklore lately).
- Stopping cars with microwaves. A reality, 30 years after Francois Truffaut…err, I mean Jacques Vallee…discussed this aspect of UFO encounters.
- Ten reasons why you shouldn’t believe in UFOs. Ignoring the usual mistaken definition in the article title (of ‘UFO’ = ‘Aliens’), it’s worth pointing out that the recent panel weren’t urging belief, they were urging more serious investigation…
- Incredible Comet Holmes is now bigger than the Sun. Alan Boyle has more.
- Astronomers defend asteroid warning system snafu, with the Rosetta probe mistaken for an incoming space rock (the Rosetta stone?).
- Line between quantum and classical worlds is at the scale of hydrogen molecule.
- Surfer dude stuns physicists with an 8-dimensional “theory of everything”. Also: the 4 most compelling theories of everything.
- The brain can replay memories much faster than ‘real time’ allows.
- French ‘mathlete’ sets new calculating record.
- Brain implants may ‘read the mind’ of paralysis victims, allowing them to talk again.
- The mysteries of memory.
- Can praying for rain make the heavens open?
- The BBC’s Climate Correspondent Richard Black goes on the attack against Global Warming controversies this week – “Sun and Global Warming: A Cosmic Connection“, “Climate Science: Skeptical About Bias“, and “Unravelling the Skeptics“.
- Dew-harvesting web conjures water out of thin air.
- A Bigfoot article in Scientific American? Say it ain’t so…
- Cat expects to be picked up by car in the morning by owner, more than a mile away from home.
- U.S. man arrested for possession of drugs…and by drugs, I mean the frog he was carrying. Does that mean you can be arrested for meditating?
- Is Pakistan’s heritage at risk?
- Women warriors may have battled in ancient Cambodia.
- World War II fighter plane emerges from the surf and sand of a beach in Wales.
- The Baltic Sea trumps Wales though, yielding a ‘perfect’ 17th century shipwreck.
- Meet the invincible man who thinks aging is a disease that needs to be cured.
Quote of the Day:
Who are you people?
Roy Neary (‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’)