It’s an auspicious night, the cat has brought me a mouse just as I start the news. Darn, it’s a toy mouse, not a real one; but it’s the thought that counts.
- Samhain is upon the Northern Hemisphere, a night when the veil between the material and spirit worlds is lifted.
- Samhain is a night to remember those who have passed to the other side, and dance with their spirits in the flicker of firelight. There’s much to find at WitchVox.
- History Channel presents the pagan roots and pop culture of Halloween.
- Maybe Rev Dr Martin Israel, who passed away on October 23rd, will visit a lucky few tonight.
- Cosmos Magazine has a Halloween special on the ‘real’ werewolves, that doesn’t include me.
- I bet Red Pill Junkie is excited about Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead.
- Two British mediums helped a mother find her son, missing for three years.
- Ghosthunters by John Kachuba takes us on the trail of mediums, dowsers, and spirit seekers of America’s paranormal world (Amazon US or UK).
- Not to be confused with Deborah Blum’s brilliant book Ghost Hunters (Amazon US and UK). Greg’s still buzzing from his interview with Deborah Blum.
- A chilling collection of haunting encounters to read by candelight.
- Brad Steiger dares to investigate beings from the darkside in his brilliant book Shadow World (Amazon US or UK).
- Anthony North chips in with a look at Spiritualism: is anybody there?
- Is there a connection between magnetic fields and haunting phenomena?
- A glowing hexagonal ball of light was filmed in the skies of Turkey.
- Dr Dean Radin gives us a brief tour of the Institute of Noetic Science’s research facilities, with photos.
- Thanks to a lawsuit filed by UFOlogist Leslie Kean, NASA will search its archives for documents on a 1965 UFO incident the Government intended to keep secret.
- “More people in [the USA] have seen UFOs than… approve of George Bush’s presidency,” says Democratic candidate Dennis Kucinich.
- New research suggests our brains process frightened faces faster than that of a neutral or happy face.
- A tsunami only partially explains the disappearance of the Minoans.
- Archaeologists in Puerto Rico have made the discovery of a lifetime, but the US Army Corps are accused of taking artifacts without permission. Where’s Indiana Jones when you need him.
- The oldest-known human burial is now thought to be just over 29’000-years-old.
- The Scotsman has an excellent series of videos exploring Rosslyn Chapel, available in podcast or download.
- Filming will begin this December on a new X-Files movie, and David Bowie will help Spongebob Squarepants find Atlantis.
Quote of the Day:
Receiving a visit from outer space sounds almost as comfortable as having a God. Yet we shouldn’t rejoice too soon. Perhaps we will get the visitors we deserve.