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News Briefs 09-10-2007

I guess all these yoga masters must not understand what yoga is supposed to do.

  • Great floods cut off Britain.
  • Current not responsible for Antarctica’s ice.
  • Sun to blame for mysterious blemishes on Saturn moon.
  • I am creating artificial life declares scientist.
  • Giant jellyfish of doom.
  • Evolution transforms junk DNA into genetic machinery. Or pre-determinded plan unfolds over time.
  • Searching for God in the brain.
  • Relativity derived without calculus possibly centuries ago.
  • Do infants have an innate spider detection mechanism?
  • The top ten outlandish mega disasters.
  • River reveals jurassic dragon.
  • Spacecraft surfs Jupiter’s magnetic tail.
  • When yoga hurts.
  • New evidence for quasar ejection.

Thanks Greg

Quote of the Day:

The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.

William H. Borah

  1. Junk DNA transformation
    You’ right – the Junk DNA is a natural result of evolution or part of a pre-determined plan.

    Either way, perhaps some lucky ape received a bit of genetic engineering from some very talented and technically advanced visitors who needed some slave labor. I’ve always been a fan of Z. Sitchin.

    That was an interesting article. Thanks.


    1. Lucky??
      [quote=Bill]Either way, perhaps some lucky ape received a bit of genetic engineering from some very talented and technically advanced visitors who needed some slave labor.

      It took me 2 HOURS to get to my office this morning. Sometimes I doubt we were so lucky… 😉

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

      1. re: River reveals ‘Jurassic dragon’
        This man who says he found the remnants of a sea monster is shooting the blarney! These attention seeking acedemics are all alike!

      2. Lucky us
        Yeah, lucky is debatable. Would one prefer a blissful ignorance over a 2-hour gridlock? I’m living on my ranch now with a drive-time of ten-minutes to the cattle. I’ve got three bulls competing with each other for herd-dominance, so they’re running the rat-race, not me. The cows are blissful but the steers are unaware of their fate.

        The last time I saw a gorilla was at a zoo. He and I made eye contact seperated by 6-feet. His eyes said “help me” to me. His ignorance had cost him his freedom and I observed no joy or bliss in those eyes. I shall never visit a zoo again.

        There are many wild animals on my land including deer, racoons, coyotes, bobcats, possums, various snakes, songbirds, owls and hawks, and so on. Life in the wild is hard. Average lifespan is about three-years or so.

        Most of the people, including you, that read TDG reside in countries that enjoy a modern, abundant lifestyle. Our intellect has allowed us to grow or trade for plenty of food, own effortless transporation, and entertain ourselves without end. We continue to increase our life spans. We have earned our place as the dominant life form due to our intelligence.

        I think you will agree that Mexico City, I think that’s where you live, is a beautiful city. It is too large and the air is dirty, but it has much to offer as well. I believe that your two-hour gridlock is preferable to a three-year lifespan or the haunting eyes of that gorilla.


        1. Bill, I don’t know!
          Mexico city has indeed beautiful things, how would I like to take all of you on a little tour downtown, visit the museums and the restaurants, Chapultepec park and the galleries (and a few cantinas of course!); but if you ask many of us, most of the time we suffer our city instead of enjoy it. Forget about the gridlocks and the pollution, there are so many things so wrong with this city that I don’t even know where to begin. For starters, it’s one of the most VIOLENT cities in the whole continent (people with money cannot go ANYWHERE without their bodyguards); and it’s also terribly planned, growing without any sense of order, and building new avenues and high-roads with materials that are so cheap that by the time they are inaugurated, the new roads are useless and if need of repairment. I could go on and on forever you know! (sigh!)

          But let’s forget about my particular city problems for a minute. You know, that bucolic fantasy of being free like the animals in the wild is a nice mental image; but in the end you’re absolutely right. I prefer to be a sentient human struggling with being aware of what’s happening in the world I live in, that being an absent-minded animal. I guess that’s one of the things why guys like us like to hang out in a website like this.

          My sisters often tell me that the reason I don’t enjoy life (so much) it’s because I’m obsessed with the problems of the world (the wars, the famines, the climate disasters, etc); but I reply to them that their care-free attitude is akin to cattle that lives its life without worries, until the time comes to head for the slaughter house… they quickly reply that knowing ahead of time our fate doesn’t help in saving us from it.

          Maybe they’re right, I don’t know. I like to think that it does help, but I could very well be mistaken. I only know that for me it’s better to be awaken than spend your life like a zombie. There are a lot of things wrong with this world and hiding our head in the sand like an ostrich is not only a rather cowardly thing to do, but it’s irresponsible to our duty with the next generations.

          But a lot of people live like that right? They say to themselves “f**k it! As long as I have my home with my SUV and my Armani wardrobe and my 42″ plasma TV, I’ve got nothing to worry about. I don’t owe anything to the rest of the world…” Well, do we? Whitley Strieber wrote in “The Key” that every man and woman living in the western hemysphere has 5 slaves, those slaves are the people in the poor nations that are virtually carrying them on their shoulders, but since we don’t see them, or even know them, we don’t feel responsible for them.

          It is a lousy job being the smartest animal in nature. But I guess somebody has to do it!

          It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
          It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

          Red Pill Junkie

          1. Solving problems
            Hi Red Pill Junkie,

            I’m from Texas and I’ve been to Mexico several times. Like many Texans, some members of my family are of Mexican heritage. I would rather that they build a fence along the Red River to keep the Yankees out of Texas than to build a fence along the Rio Grande. Let’s see if you agree with my assessment.

            Many believe that Mexico is a poor nation. Mexico is not poor; the wealth is not well distributed. There are some very wealthy people in Mexico and many poor people. The middle class is small but growing. I would like to see more manufacturing move to Mexico from the USA rather than to China. My Dodge RAM 2500 was assembled in Mexico. The wiring harness for some US fighter aircraft are manufactured in Mexico to MIL-SPEC standards. Most Mexicans would prefer to work and live in Mexico. They need jobs.

            But most of the improvements needed in Mexico need to be solved internally. The corruption, the gangs, the violence can only be solved when the citizens of Mexico demand it.

            You and I could sip cervesa all afternoon and discuss the problems of the world. At the end of the day there will always be poor people, disasters, and wars. We can only help a small amount. I prefer to send help through my church. The overhead is very low and you get more bang for the buck. I’ve loaded 18-wheelers for Katrina victims in Mississippi, provided money for mission trips to treat AIDS children in Zambia, and provided help to local shelters.


          2. I bring the Tequila, you brng the brewskis! 🙂
            You definitely sound like a guy who instead of delving with all the possible interpretations of the Nazarene’s message, rather goes out and follows his example. I salute you sir.

            BTW, some of my cousins are living in Texas right now. One of them had the fortune of marrying a nice texan gentleman and we hadn’t seen her so happy in all her life.

            Yep, Mexico is very rich and the mexicans very poor, and one of the problems is that we get used to our situation too easily. To illustrate this let me share this jewel of news; a fine example in the kind of VERMIN we mexicans allow to rule the country:


            When we see these news most mexicans tend to laugh since it’s so common! We know our politicians are a bunch of crooks who seek nothing but their personal gain, while the country is in desperate need of reforms that would help us compete with other countries in the international markets.

            That attitude of making fun of our miseries is actually very mexican. Where do you think the “Día de Muertos” came from?


            After the terrible earthquakes of September 19, 1985 that destroyed big portions of Mexico city, the jokes about the event started to appear just weeks after the incident. It does have its psychological advantages, since laughter can ease the trauma when dealing with unchangeable situations, like death; but the disadvantage is that if you see ALL big problems as unchangeable, you are doomed to stagnation, and that’s what has happened to us. We honestly cannot conceive a Mexico where there is no more poverty, corruption and injustice. I for one can’t, and I believe in aliens and the Loch Ness monster!

            Yes, it would be nice to have more assembly factories here in Mexico, but it would be more nice if the big industries would seek to put those factories down here because of the quality of our labor force, and not just because it is cheaper. I would like to see more national industries fluorish, and I actually thought that was going to happen after NAFTA was signed (that’s why I studied Industrial Design), but then I realize the powers at be prefer a Mexico where there is no real industry, creativity is worthless and people are willing to work for peanuts. I see the examples of India and Malaysia, and I ask “why not us?”

            Some of my countrymen would say the reason is that we are so close to you guys. But personally I’m sick and tired of blaming all our maladies to outside forces: the spanish, the french, the gringos, the WEATHER! I’m fed up with excuses.

            But I really can’t see a solution. I wish I could.

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          3. Virtual handshake
            I’m no better than you and I don’t merit your salute, RPJ. Maybe an on-line handshake and each of us will have a shot of Cuervo. :o)

            I only wrote that to remind you that all the problems of the world won’t be solved in the near future. However, there are several avenues of opportunity to make some difference and buy you a little peace of mind. If you don’t like churches the Salvation Army is a good charity as well.

            Why not start an on-line petition for Mexico to join the US just as Texas did. I’ll sign it. That should start some controversy on both sides of the border.


          4. Mmm… Don’t think is such a good idea!
            The most hated mexican historical figure of all time is Antonio López de Santa Ana, the guy who gave away Texas, New Mexico and California with the Treaty of Guadalupe Victoria. So to start a petition like that this side of the border is almost like a death wish 🙂

            No, I think Mexico should still be an independent country, but it should manage to realize that by staying still with the rest of the world fastly moving forward, it’s almost as GOING BACKWARD. We’re just babies in this democracy game after 75 years of state-run dictatorship of the PRI, I just wish our baby steps were a little more… deliberate!

            And correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that some times the people of Texas feel as an independent unit from the rest of the Amerian Union, which is a matter of great pride to them. I think that’s actually a good thing, to foster local regionalism, instead of nationalism which is something I personally despise (my country is better than your’s babble, Einstein once said nationalism was the Measles of countries, meaning that it was a childish malady).

            I think there’s a Salvation Army chapter here in Mexico too, run by protestant churches (I have nothing against them, my mom is a methodist). There are also others NGOs doing social programs, which I sometimes help with some money (not as much as I could I admit, I really should change that attitude).

            Saludos y un abrazo.

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          1. that’s because you can be both smart AND ignorant
            at the same time.

            Personally, i think we’re failing our job as STEWARDS of this world.

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

  2. Power of Yoga.
    A nice piece about yoga and injury. I love yoga, but I’ve been lucky. I’ve had good, down to earth instructors. Who never made yoga a competition, or presented it as a “work out”. Nor did I ever view it as such. Because of a nasty back curve, I learned early that feeling that burn could mean pain that may never go away. Yoga is more about yoking the mind. Not fitting into my jeans. Thats what the long walks are for:)

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