A very interesting mix today. Post your thoughts.
- The sacred and the human.
- The marble ruins of Bimini. Video 1 and video 2.
- Symposium: criminalizing holocaust denial.
- Angkor: map reveals ancient urban sprawl. More here.
- Red army virus to combat MRSA.
- Sandbar led Alexander the Great to victory.
- Fiery rock will test whether life came from space.
- Israeli researcher develops new theoretical model of a time machine.
- Scientists closer to creation of synthetic life.
- Earth’s core is solid after all.
- New microscope allows live 3D imaging of cells.
- Censored knowledge: the Rothschild bloodline.
- How a bankrupt Germany fixed its infrastructure problems.
- Dyson: climate models suck.
- The Brit-Balloo Fos invasion.
- See who’s editing Wikipedia: Diebold, the CIA, a campaign.
- Gamma ray bursters.
- Reasons not to glow.
- What makes Mars magnetic?
- Underwater world: new evidence reveals a city beneath ancient Alexandria.
Quote of the Day:
Time is the greatest of all cover-ups.