Now that Monday’s news is done, where was I? Oh yes – The Battle of Hogwarts…
- Scientist: Human Origin Impossible to Pinpoint.
- Pre-dinosaur fossil, found in New Mexico, will rewrite history. More.
- Fossilized tooth, found in a swamp, has allowed scientists to work out the DNA of the mastodon.
- Linguists seek a time when humanity spoke one common language.
- Massive Ancient Egyptian fort discovered.
- Archaeologists dig up huge Roman bath.
- Mythical satyr may be preserved in salt.
- Rediscovered: Lost abbey where Robert the Bruce is believed to have been crowned king.
- Nanosized double-slit experiment to help physicists understand light at the nanoscale.
- New head of Science Museum says, to cut global warming, get rid of a few billion people.
- German Protestant Church says Cruise is the ‘Goebbels of Scientology’.
- An Islamic Creationist – and the book sent round the world.
- Tiny brain – just a thin sheet of brain tissue, actually – no obstacle to French civil servant.
- Key to a long life — less insulin in the brain.
- Nicotine rush hinges on sugar in neurons.
- New fingerprint technique could reveal diet, sex and race.
- Japanese to let customers pay simply by scanning their fingers.
- Three fishing buddies from Wales design box that turns car fumes into biofuel.
- Stress of ecotourism drives monkeys to infanticide.
- Disillusioned Russians flock to new religions.
- Religious beliefs, political opinions, and even the sex life of Britons travelling to the US is to be made available to US authorities.
- Researchers interviewed about vast crop circle formation – at
least 100 circles spread across 1,033 feet of wheat – which was created in under 90 minutes.
My overwhelming gratitude to Rico for being incredibly thoughtful – and, apparently, psychic as well.
Quote of the Day:
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.
Flannery O’Connor