Today’s news is all about that space, no trouble…
- UFO videos “only scratch the surface of what the Pentagon knows“, according to former Senate Majority leader Harry Reid.
- Groundhog disclosure: Pentagon confirms authenticity of UFO videos…again.
- Where is everybody else in the universe?
- Into the Magellanics.
- SpaceX Starship could help humans look thousands of light-years into space.
- Scientists predict the explosive behaviour of two supermassive black holes almost to the hour.
- Pseudoscience and COVID-19: we’ve had enough already.
- Can aliens infect us?
- ’Storm Area 51’ ends up costing the U.S. almost $200,000.
- When will Homo sapiens go extinct?
- Paracelsus: An alchemical life.
- CRISPR could finally make the first truly allergy-free cat.
- How tech algorithms become infected with the biases of their creators.
Quote of the Day:
The web is becoming the medium of choice for disinformation and misinformation, including official efforts to inject new “memes” into the culture. Although I remain an optimist about the web as a medium for free exchanges of data and faster communication of high value, it is also a potential tool for propaganda, false rumors intentionally planted and for a range of techniques designed to alter or filter social reality.
Jacques Vallee (2010)