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Grail Anthology

We’ve had quite a few people voice their disappointment that there is no hard copy version of Sub Rosa. This is certainly something that we’re not happy about either, but the simple fact is we can’t afford to do a print run of a full colour magazine at this stage. However, those thoughts have spurred me onto starting another project.

My plan is to assemble a regular (hopefully) book anthology on Daily Grail topics, with contributions from some of the best researchers/writers out there. This will be offered via Print on Demand through online booksellers such as Amazon, and I think would offer a great outlet for cutting edge research and writing. As such, at this stage I’d like to ask two things of TDG readers.

Firstly, are you interested in such an anthology, and if so would you prefer ‘themed’ anthologies (each book on a certain topic area) or for each book to be a compilation of the various topics we cover on TDG (alt history, consciousness, ufology, occult etc)? And secondly, which writers/researchers/topics would you enjoy seeing in the anthology? I’ve set up a new poll for the first question (old poll can be found in the archive), and answers to the second are welcome in the comments section. Thanks!

  1. Site Subscription
    Hey there all,I would like to suggest a Pay Pal option so people could donate to your site.I would donate.I love your site and we both have much in common.It’s one of my favorite places to go on the net.Just piont me in the right direction if I’m missing it.Thank you for keeping things fresh and fun.

  2. Not sure if I understand the format

    You would have those people (best whatever) write up something special for those books or you would compile what is already out there?

    (Interesting how little interest there is in after life and consciousness.)

    1. Collection strategy
      Hi Richard,

      The goal would be to get as many essays as possible that are ‘fresh’ – ie. new research, thoughts. However, I would also like to see a few essays from the past, most obviously things that have been neglected which deserve a second look.

      I have a number of high-profile authors/researchers who are interested in contributing, but I’ll also be asking for submissions from the wider community (though I would expect selection to be cut-throat…plenty of people going for a couple of spots).

      Kind regards,
      You monkeys only think you’re running things

  3. I’m up for it
    and I also like the idea of themes. Some subjects that don’t really stir me I simply haven’t got time to dwell on.

    By the way, I also agree with Jack Squat that a PayPal link on the site would be a fine idea. I really would feel better if I could do my share to help support this place. It means a lot to me and I could manage a few simoleons from time to time.


    1. Good idea!
      Get the collection of the best blogs, or craziest stories on TDG and have that made into a POD book available on . My favorite is Timetraveler busted for insider trading. Nothing beats such an internet hoax—And I actually believed it existed too!

  4. Grail Anthology
    I believe this would be an excellent idea and I would support it 100%. Adding some top notch researchers/writers would go a long way toward blazing new trails in science and reality.
    Larry Barge

  5. are you looking for trendy stuff or off the deep end?
    How far out is way out? How pedantic is trendy? What happened to the ironic twists life takes, are they to be ignored, just like humorous input? I bring this up to show a need a light breezy banter instead of clunky weighted down tomes of erudition that collect dust. Life is to short to limit itself in a narrow spectrum, is there room for breadth, scope of vision kind of stuff?

    Think about the verbal gaffe’s of the power politicians who can bring on Armageddon by shooting from the lip, like Reagan did when he thought he was not on the air and quipped about nuking the soviets. There was a world wide alert on all sides due to that act of stupidity. Bush drops his drunken slurs out and his handlers go ballistic ‘cuz folk may take him seriously.

    This sort of, what if, prophesy genre ala Nostradamus is relevant today, no? Hopefully the folk who respond will be a bit more concrete in their proposals, than the usual eclectic, what ever floats yer boat-dude, go for it.

    1. Outside the paradigm
      Greg describes TDG as providing stuff outside the paradigm.So that pretty much makes it anything we don’t consider run of the mill.
      Now me….I love pics of UFOs, but do we get many here? No!
      I also love parrot stories and yes they all (except Jameske whom I forgive for teaching me how to make gravy rolls) try to provide me with parrot stories.
      Most of the stuff that gets an airing here interests me but I’ll admit that I have trouble understanding some of it.
      You might do better.


      1. Understanding
        Hi Shadows

        When we want to understand something, are we not simply trying to fit the data with the way we process it? To make sense of something relative to preset rules that are the basics of our personal thought patterns?

        Is it possible that in the process of understanding, nothing can be known but that the understanding will be a palliative that becomes a belief of having grasped, of having known something?

        Why is it that we think we understand but yet still don’t know?

        Is there really anything to know through understanding?

  6. Themed
    I think would be good. Its easier to try to understand a particular subject when many views are expressed from many different areas in one place.

    “While contemplating on their life, anyone who says they have no regrets and would do it all the same again, have not learn’t anything.”

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