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News Briefs 14-02-07

Good luck to McKinnon.

Quote of the Day:

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.

Thomas Jefferson

  1. Lawson on Global Warming
    Absolutely the clearest, most rational, most sensible analysis I have ever read (and I’ve read a LOT). Definitely a keeper – thanks for the link!

    1. Interesting enough
      But I can hardly buy the spirit of the argumentation that uses some spurious allegations here and there.

      I don’t have much time right now but I will point out to two specific instances:

      Hinting that temperature readings may be off because they are taken in stations located near cities does not explain why permafrost is melting in near unpopulated areas and we are not given documentation or references to establish the facts hinted at either.

      Yes, right, the market will fix everything. The current state of the world sure is proof enough that the market fixes everything, in a way or another. That is the lamest thing one can imagine saying. We all know who the CO2 market is. They just made 150bn in profit last year. And lets not forget that with markets come marketing.

      Several places in there were obvious policy pushing.

      Nothing new but at least put up with an appearance of civility (to use the author’s own style).

  2. Answering Fermi’s paradox.
    This guy loses it after he cites his very first source. The link provided says nothing about extra solar planets with atmospheres and oceans, much less gives a percentage. This is pure conjecture on the part of the author.

  3. Earthworks
    I have walked the earthworks in Newark many times over the years. Although the researchers are probably correct in their estimates, they suffer from working with mounds that certainly have been eroded and restored by many ignorant, as well as, well meaning individuals for at least the last couple hundred years. Fortunately, some of the earliest white men in the area were military types with surveying skills and they did a decent job of mapping things before farmers tore things up.

    Keep in mind that there were no stones involved and if posts were used for more precision markers, they would have been long gone centuries ago. (No chalk to assist like in Wiltshire.)

    The octagonal mound certainly does not appear to be any mundane construct such as a corral for animals.

    Xavier Onassis

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