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News Briefs 23-07-2004

Time to lighten-up a bit on the political front. The US presidential election is in November; take all political news that you come across anywhere with a grain of salt. To insure that everyone is equally offended, TDG offers this perspective. (Click on the picture, it will take a few minutes to load; with sound.) ;o)

  • Ah, an amusing little vintage with a hint of saber-toothed tiger musk. An archaeologist is attempting to trace the first wine to the Stone Age.
  • Baby’s first word filled Stone Age Papa with pride.
  • Excavations are set to begin at one of the most important archaeological sites in Scotland.
  • Bronze Age ritual human sacrifice may have been rarer than believed.
  • Fraudulent behavior by a dog trainer who has assisted in archaeological disputes calls into question the use of dogs in archaeology. Eagle, the dog, did not misbehave. Good dog; bad trainer.
  • A 17,000-year old art relic has been found in central Russia.
  • The legal battle over the ancient bones of Kennewick Man has been won by the scientists, but they now face a new wrangle over access to the remains.
  • Ramses II, son of the Sun god, the greatest warrior king of ancient Egypt, has been defeated by the automobile.
  • A Kyrgyz-Russian expedition has embarked on a hunt for an ancient city covered by a lake – a Kyrgyz Atlantis.
  • Do you have dreams of taking a sunny paddle boat ride across the sky-blue waters of Lake Titicaca? Looks can be deceiving.
  • Here’s a new twist. Napoleon Bonaparte died of too many enemas.
  • Following an NDE, a young monkey at an Israeli zoo has started walking on its hind legs only, just like us. Somebody notify Commander George Taylor.
  • The Dutch are getting taller, but they are being stalked by junk food.
  • Michael Jackson wants a celebrity exception to the First Amendment. No, we don’t make this stuff up.
  • Thousands of acres were set on fire in California when a red-tailed hawk was electrocuted by power lines and fell to the ground.
  • Handedness develops in the womb.
  • The key genetic differences among people are revealed.
  • The ancient Germans weren’t so fair.
  • Grey matter matters for intellect.
  • A new audio system lets flowers sing.
  • The blind really do hear better. That’s fair.
  • Evidence is revealed for the creation of elusive matter.
  • Stephen Hawking concedes a bet, backtracking on his long-held belief that black holes obliterate everything that falls into them.
  • Cool fuel cells could revolutionize the Earth’s energy resources. Somebody shovel some money to these guys.
  • Men with guns change the weather in China.
  • War is hell. US army food… just add urine.
  • What is happening to birds?
  • The shady phenomenon of freak waves as tall as 10-story buildings has been seen from space.
  • Drunken flight attendants fight a passenger. That’s correct – read it again.
  • Scientists find that shorelines breathe. That’s scary.
  • On a site beneath the waves off the coast of Florida, Atlantis is being built of concrete and human ashes. I don’t think this is what Edgar Cayce envisioned.
  • While the Pacific Northwest has Bigfoot and Nevada is famous for UFOs, Illinois claims the Mad Gasser of Mattoon, the Farmer City Monster and perhaps yet another unconfirmed tall tale: Lake County cougars.
  • Is the story of Troy and the Trojan Horse really a tale of scheming gods? Zecharia Sitchin’ THE EARTH CHRONICLES EXPEDITIONS is available from Amazon US and UK.
  • Is physicist Vittorio Formisano’s Mars data being suppressed by the ESA?
  • Spirit and Opportunity get extended roving privileges on Mars. Guess what they don’t get.
  • If aliens exist ‘we’ll know in 20 years’.
  • A new Martian meteorite has been found in Antarctica.
  • NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has taken a view of an eclectic mix of galaxies.
  • There are puzzling differences in Jupiter and Saturn.
  • UK Science Minister Lord Sainsbury wants NASA and ESA to join forces to achieve future space goals.
  • High-resolution images of Apollo 11’s Moon landing on 21 July 1969 have been removed from a double freezer, thawed, digitally scanned, and re-produced.

Quote of the Day:

It requires more courage to suffer than to die.

Napolean Bonaparte

  1. Funny stuff
    Hey Bill,

    Thanks for the hot tip on the best political coverage I’ve seen for a while. Nice to get away from the partisan coverage and see equal opportunity ridicule for a while. Although the happy ending while we’re going to hell in a handbasket is a little disturbing…

    Peace and Respect

    You monkeys only think you’re running things

    1. Funny Stuff
      Hi Greg,

      I’m beginning to feel like I’ve seen this before. With that in mind, I suspect that things are not nearly as dire as they might appear. Maybe I’ve been around too long.


  2. dutch rising

    That’s it, i just dropped below average height !
    It is an astounding fact, one thats as far as i’m aware, is hardly seriously researched 15 CM increase in average height in 4 decades ! It’s outrageous. And yet like here its presented as a factoid with cliche and senseless photo.
    Watching 2nd & specially 3 rd generation immigrants from turkey and morocco walk beside their elders its very noticable-and i suspect cause for an authority aswell as a matrimonial problem. Men from the homeland have a big problem…
    Seriously i really would like to know what it is, the dutch might consume more dairy produce and vegetables but i find it hard to believe that this would produce these kinda stunning differences. Could it be there’s something in the water, if so there’d be regional differences. It upsets me that there’s no answer, and that apparently very little or no research is been done into this.
    How about are there genetic changes, will 2nd generation dutch emigrants revert back ?
    As for factoid 1/3 of the dutch are overweight not half, but i guess thats been put in to make the 2/3 of american overweighters feel less out of ‘sink’.

  3. Look at all them Links! 🙂
    Thanks foir this massive update Bill! See yall, As long as your in Texas, then Texas ain’t all bad! heheh

    dd Many people have played themselves to death. Many people have eaten and drunk themselves to death. Nobody ever thought himself to death.

    1. all the links
      Yeah DD look at all them links!!!
      I don’t know about thinking yourself to death but I nearly hosed myself to death today when the blinking dog got the hose, and I had to nearly drown myself to get it back from him.
      The water went up my nose and in my ears and I was sopping wet.
      That’s it, he doesn’t get to water the garden again now for a whole month.


    2. Links
      Hi Dragon,

      I was born in Texas. I’ve lived and visited many places. Texas is by home by choice. The problem is that too many people have seen the light as well.

      Time to move out to the country.


      1. the country
        Just one opinion of course — steer clear of Wackko. And although the lake and the square dancers are, humm, scenic, you’d best have a big retirement fund if you go south to Hill County; I think they’re still in the Great Depression. Isn’t Tyler where they have a rose festival every year? Large enough for broadband service; still small enough to know most everybody. Folks who like roses can’t be all bad. 😉 I’d recommend Austin’s outskirts, but then vacationing naked at Hippie Hollow just wouldn’t be the same.

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