Monday, the tiny 23 amp, 12v battery in my small gate-opening clicker went caput. Tuesday, the 9v battery in my larger gate-opening clicker died. Wednesday, my car battery bit the dust. Just coincidence, or is the universe trying to tell me something?
- Ancient scroll may yield religious secrets.
- Egyptologists strike gold.
- Rubbly Itokawa revealed as ‘impossible’ asteroid.
- Saturn’s moon Enceladus may have flipped.
- One Mars rover gets stuck, the other chills out.
- Hatch opens, spacewalk begins.
- Droids on the ISS.
- Raiders of the lost dimension.
- Catastrophic Failure: Army Corps of Engineers takes blame for News Orleans flooding. But…
- Satellites show parts of New Orleans are sinking even faster than scientists realized.
- 50m years ago, the North Pole felt like Miami, with an average temp of 74F, alligator ancestors, and palm tress, but the arctic went from greenhouse to icehouse in short order.
- Giant crater, buried beneath a half-mile of ice in Antarctica, is as big as Ohio.
- Java quake may have volcanic effect.
- Million-year geologic forecast predicts disasters galore.
- Hurricanes to unleash dormant, hidden power.
- Creatures from the dark deep: 18-year old student exploring Israel’s massive limestone cave stumbles across something amazing.
- Gene experts say we’re not entirely human. ‘It’s a whole other planet down there.’
- Prosopagnosia: once thought to be exceedingly rare, face-blindness may affect up to 2 percent of the population.
- Birth of a Notion: Master planners in brain may coordinate other areas’ roles in cognitive tasks.
- Where the skull divides there lies the Gate of God.
- Vision Quest: Paul Devereux explores the often dangerous missions undertaken by American Indians to meet their spirit guides.
- Dizzy from all the Decoding? Welcome to the cult, er, club. But behind the hype, some researchers have been digging for the truth. One researcher even got a French museum to donate a sample from the bones of a supposed Merovingian princess and compared its DNA to that of an ancient community of Jewish descent in Israel.
- Ancient practice of ‘gematria’, or number mysticism, explains the meaning of 666.
- Alien Skulls? The Great Debate.
- Stupid Engineering Mistakes: Technical marvels don’t come about without their fair share of broken eggs.
- Crashing the Wiretapper’s Ball.
Quote of the Day:
Coincidences are spiritual puns.
G.K. Chesterton