A few things to keep you busy over the weekend…
- SurvivalAfterDeath.org has two essays from Eric Dingwall and John Langdon-Davies: “Mental Mediums and Survival“, and “Your Own ‘Supernatural’ Experiences“.
- Loren Coleman deconstructs the recent Voice of America program, “Mysterious Creatures: Are Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster True or False?”, for Cryptomundo.com.
- David Brin looks at the nightmare scenarios for the technological singularity, over at KurzweilAI.net.
- Esolibris has “The Out-of-Body Experience as Dimensional Translocation“, by Jim DeKorne.
- A review of Hunt for the Skinwalker.
- More recent additions to The Red Pill wiki: entries on Loren Coleman, Jacques Vallee, Don Ecker and Hunt for the Skinwalker. We also have stubs which need expanding: Bigfoot, NIDS and The Holy Grail. Feel free to chime in with your own information on these, or create a new article on your favourite topic.