I’m on a two-week vacation (holiday to some of you). No deadlines, no meetings, no critical milestones. Life is good. But the news just keeps on coming……….
- On a hillside by the Savannah River, archaeologists find blades that may be more than 20,000-years old, throwing American archaeology into further turmoil. Goodbye Clovis.
- A tiny pre-human who met a violent end more than 900,000-years ago may have been an experiment. Doesn’t that make us experiments as well?
- The fossilized bones of two ancient hippos open a new window that reveals the UK’s warmer past.
- The secret ruins are unveiled in a Utah canyon.
- Ancient battlements are found at Egypt’s East Gateway on the Horus Road. Dr Hawass cuts us in on this one.
- For what it’s worth, political scientists who have honed the art of election forecasting by devising elaborate mathematical formulas, predict an easy win for President Bush.
- Physicists reveal a flaw in the EU Constitution.
- An initiative to engage and develop Iraq’s science and technology community has been announced by the Arab Science and Technology Foundation.
- Would the money spent on a Moon-Mars venture be better spent on energy independence? That’s really a very good question.
- Your quantum computer will arrive shortly. Physicists have succeeded in entangling five photons, the minimum number needed for universal error correction in quantum information processing.
- Vanderbilt physicist Robert J. Scherrer has come up with a model that could cut the mystery of dark matter and dark energy in half by explaining them as two aspects of a single unknown force.
- Scientists have found evidence to suggest we do have a sixth sense and can tell when we are being watched, even through CCTV.
- More than 10,000-patients a year may be dying because of a bad reaction to medication. In all fairness, doctors do say that they ‘practice’ medicine.
- Purple carrots and low-carb potatoes are among the designer vegetables resulting from crossbreeding and genetic modification.
- Sugarless sodas doom your diet.
- Imagine that by altering the function of a single gene, you could live longer, be thinner and have lower cholesterol and fat levels in your blood. Do it, right?
- ‘Get out of here and go throw rocks at your friends like we use to do!’ Electronic game use is associated with childhood obesity.
- A Japanese gadget lets you could decide what to dream at night.
- Forget the oil – fungal infections are poised to trigger an international shortage of chocolate.
- Why are fewer people left-handed than right-handed?
- Humble bacteria are found to possess precision clocks.
- It might be possible to measure the properties of dark energy in the laboratory according to physicists.
- Cassini spacecraft on Thursday sent back unprecedented glimpses of Saturn’s rings, revealing patterned waves that looked like ripples in a pond. With pics and video. More.
- Hubble harvests 100-new planets.
- A Canadian robot may save the Hubble telescope.
- NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has captured the image of a spiral galaxy called NGC 7331 – a virtual twin of our Milky Way. We wonder if they just captured our image.
- Mars was not only awash with water, it also once had rainfall, according to a French study.
- Some believe that the Tinonee ghost is actually the Min Min light as described by Aborigines in central Queensland.
- What follows death?
- The magic power of American Indians, from Pravda.
- How to see UFO’s, even when you’re sober. Try to avoid the abduction-thing with the anal probes, unless you’re into that.
- Today is World UFO day, which marks the anniversary of the Roswell incident 57 years ago in New Mexico, when believers say an alien craft crashed in the desert.
- A UFO over Durban is captured on video. (Nope, no video.)
- Disks And Triangles Sighted, all from the Filers Files #28 – 2004 Skywatch Investigations now residing on Rense.
Quote of the Day:
Anyone who says that they can contemplate quantum mechanics without becoming dizzy has not understood the concept in the least.
Niels Bohr