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News Briefs 02-07-2004

I’m on a two-week vacation (holiday to some of you). No deadlines, no meetings, no critical milestones. Life is good. But the news just keeps on coming……….

  • On a hillside by the Savannah River, archaeologists find blades that may be more than 20,000-years old, throwing American archaeology into further turmoil. Goodbye Clovis.
  • A tiny pre-human who met a violent end more than 900,000-years ago may have been an experiment. Doesn’t that make us experiments as well?
  • The fossilized bones of two ancient hippos open a new window that reveals the UK’s warmer past.
  • The secret ruins are unveiled in a Utah canyon.
  • Ancient battlements are found at Egypt’s East Gateway on the Horus Road. Dr Hawass cuts us in on this one.
  • For what it’s worth, political scientists who have honed the art of election forecasting by devising elaborate mathematical formulas, predict an easy win for President Bush.
  • Physicists reveal a flaw in the EU Constitution.
  • An initiative to engage and develop Iraq’s science and technology community has been announced by the Arab Science and Technology Foundation.
  • Would the money spent on a Moon-Mars venture be better spent on energy independence? That’s really a very good question.
  • Your quantum computer will arrive shortly. Physicists have succeeded in entangling five photons, the minimum number needed for universal error correction in quantum information processing.
  • Vanderbilt physicist Robert J. Scherrer has come up with a model that could cut the mystery of dark matter and dark energy in half by explaining them as two aspects of a single unknown force.
  • Scientists have found evidence to suggest we do have a sixth sense and can tell when we are being watched, even through CCTV.
  • More than 10,000-patients a year may be dying because of a bad reaction to medication. In all fairness, doctors do say that they ‘practice’ medicine.
  • Purple carrots and low-carb potatoes are among the designer vegetables resulting from crossbreeding and genetic modification.
  • Sugarless sodas doom your diet.
  • Imagine that by altering the function of a single gene, you could live longer, be thinner and have lower cholesterol and fat levels in your blood. Do it, right?
  • ‘Get out of here and go throw rocks at your friends like we use to do!’ Electronic game use is associated with childhood obesity.
  • A Japanese gadget lets you could decide what to dream at night.
  • Forget the oil – fungal infections are poised to trigger an international shortage of chocolate.
  • Why are fewer people left-handed than right-handed?
  • Humble bacteria are found to possess precision clocks.
  • It might be possible to measure the properties of dark energy in the laboratory according to physicists.
  • Cassini spacecraft on Thursday sent back unprecedented glimpses of Saturn’s rings, revealing patterned waves that looked like ripples in a pond. With pics and video. More.
  • Hubble harvests 100-new planets.
  • A Canadian robot may save the Hubble telescope.
  • NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has captured the image of a spiral galaxy called NGC 7331 – a virtual twin of our Milky Way. We wonder if they just captured our image.
  • Mars was not only awash with water, it also once had rainfall, according to a French study.
  • Some believe that the Tinonee ghost is actually the Min Min light as described by Aborigines in central Queensland.
  • What follows death?
  • The magic power of American Indians, from Pravda.
  • How to see UFO’s, even when you’re sober. Try to avoid the abduction-thing with the anal probes, unless you’re into that.
  • Today is World UFO day, which marks the anniversary of the Roswell incident 57 years ago in New Mexico, when believers say an alien craft crashed in the desert.
  • A UFO over Durban is captured on video. (Nope, no video.)
  • Disks And Triangles Sighted, all from the Filers Files #28 – 2004 Skywatch Investigations now residing on Rense.

Quote of the Day:

Anyone who says that they can contemplate quantum mechanics without becoming dizzy has not understood the concept in the least.

Niels Bohr

  1. Hippos and Glacial Deposits
    Perhaps the tilt of the Earth was different and the milder climate was because the North Pole was pointed more towards the sun and wallowed in it like hippos do in mud, and did not wobble like hippos do when they dance. Time frame – somewhere between 12000 and 3000 years ago?

    1. med’s
      That’s no surprise about the meds killing 10,000 a year… & that’s not even counting the near misses… not only the ones the med’s have put in the hospital for distroying one organ or another…

      Did you know that medical malpractic is the 3rd largest killer in America today….. That’s above cancer, auto accidents, and Aids.

      Wow…. the things you guys don’t know… this isn’t news to me I work in a hospital.


      1. The site that was posted I co
        The site that was posted I couldn’t find the article… but know that this 10,000 has been lurking around for many years…. and the comment that in all fairness Dr’s say the practice “Meds”… Duh..Ya… look up M.D. and you will see it is the practice to cure by Med’s… That’s what they’re taught to do… NO thank you! I’ll try something alternative before I try their fake stuff that was taken from a ancient tribe who knew the natural stuff worked in the first place… so much for reasearch… it only proved that the bark of a white willow can cure a headach… hell, they knew that anyway.. now put it in a asprin and we get Ulsers… so what, they think the headach went away.. what a hell of a practice!!


  2. Saturn is a Moire Matrix Machine…
    When one looks at Saturn it makes one think that it is a massive machine set up to broadcast a gargantuan Holographic image. It could be the device used to manifest this section of Goge…(see Strange Message from Far Out under Blogs). With the Sun as the primary and Saturn as the generator device this holo-spirited experience could be the result of its program. The Rings could be a focus device that sends data back to manifest earth and us. I know this is far out…but who really knows?


  3. Seeing ourselves.
    Bill, you brought up an interesting idea I’ve had for quite some time and can not seem to get a straight answer on.

    We know that most of the stars we see in the night sky are actually much older than the light we see. They often mention this when speaking of the Hubble Deep Field Survey.

    Is it possible for us to develop an insturment that could see so far back that we could take a snapshot of our actual galaxy in the space it inhabited in a distant time?

  4. Zahi’s Ruins
    Thanks Zahi for that informative and ‘honest’ appraisal of the latest finds. I would hope the team performing the ‘dig’ followed the correct procedure and released all finds through your office. After all you are a very important man; some would say nearly a god (at least one person says that).

    Found any 4th dynasty tombs yet??? I doubt it. Maybe they’re under the foundations of the brick wall that you are erecting around Giza.

    How’s your heart weighing up against the white feather?? Time will tell, won’t it!!


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