A varied list of readings, listenings and viewings to get you through the week…
- Brent Raynes interviews the legend, Jacques Vallee. Stand by for more from Dr Vallee very soon, courtesy of your favourite website…
- The first February Near-Death Newsletter is now available (also in PDF format). Thanks Pam.
- Ode Magazine had NDE researcher Pim van Lommel on the cover of their November 2005 issue: here’s an accompanying article”.
- This week Binnal of America has an audio interview with UFO ‘lobbyist’ Steve Bassett (available as mp3/podcast and Flash). Tim’s doing some great work over there with his interview series, so make sure you check it out.
- Richard Milton discusses the psychic secret (and cover-up) behind Glastonbury Abbey.
- Sander Olsen interviews Ray Kurzweil.
- Filip Coppens discusses the Orcadian Stones.
- The Société Périllos talk more about Berenger Sauniere, the million dollar priest.
- Randi’s latest newsletter (by proxy this week again, after the big R was hospitalized) perhaps has some long-overdue reflection on the role of skeptical societies (I’ll reserve judgement until I see Randi’s full response).
- Phenomena has an interview with Margaret Starbird.
- Skeptical Investigations looks at the story of military involvement in remote viewing.