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News Briefs 04-09-2017

Welcome, to the days that didn’t exist

Thanks @mpesce.

Quote of the Day:

Capitallism can no more be ‘persuaded’ to limit growth than a human being can be ‘persuaded’ to stop breathing. Attempts to ‘green’ capitalism, to make it ‘ecological’, are doomed by the very nature of the system as a system of endless growth.

Murray Bookchin

  1. homeopathic vs. snake oil
    “Homeopathy is, at best, worthless and potentially dangerous.”

    This needs to be taken out. Homeopathic treatment is actually how many cures started out. When early man used certain plants for healing, that’s technically what we define as homeopathy. Once those cures we’re analyzed by scientists and slapped with a long name and FDA approval, then it somehow becomes trusted. But there are a looooong list of drugs that failed after the CDC and FDA approved them, including ones to treat ADHD that really messed with a kids mind. I recommend looking at this page:

    The braclets are a case of snake oil not homeopathy. Although I do believe most homeopathy sold on the shelves of drug stores are placebos, I could say the same thing about GNC vitamins too. I worked in a pharmacy during the swine flu scare and watched countless people by the crap Dr. Oz was peddling without telling their doctor or realizing it could interact with medicine they are taking.

    I also collect snake oil cure-alls from the 1800s. So I know the difference between homeopathy and bullshit. Not all homeopathy should be judged so unfairly. If more research money was put into it, some of these could be one The next big treatment.

    The bracelets are BS because they are snake oil disguising itself as homeopathic. Much of the substances in the homeopathic aisle are snake oil in disguise and give real homeopathic items a bad reputation. Most of the vitamins once touted as helpful have been found to be useless. MegaRed Krill Oil, for example, used to sell out all the time. We would get 50 boxes of the stuff and when a sale came it sold out in the first 24 hours. This crap, along with several FDA approved fish oil supplements, was eventually found to be complete BS. The FDA stopped pushing the prescription fish oil (the pills were an inch and a quarter long!) and eventually it stopped being supplied to our pharmacy. MegaRed was still pushed until about last year. As soon as it came out it was pointless, sales stopped. MegaRed was over-the-counter in the homeopathic section.

    I understand the line between homeopathic and snake oil can be blurred, but saying all homeopathy is worthless and dangerous is not true. Do I recommend you use homeopathic medicine? I recommend you talk to your doctor first.

  2. Snakes and Ladders
    You don’t appear to travel in these orbits, so perhaps I am just wasting time correcting some details of your rant; but iron containing minerals and ores can have “grounding” effects on bioorganisms which is most noticeable when the state of the organism is one of agitation, nervousness, etc for whatever reason. The semantics of what to call this effect – “healing” or whatever – hardly matters to those who find some relief with these sorts of strategies. It is unfortunate that the alleged hematite ore body from which these bracelets were made contained lead, but that is not a generalized situation with hematite ores as far as I know. I suspect that these bracelets were made in China where such contaminations are not very closely monitored if at all.

    I have never been a fan of so called formed “hematite jewelry,” because so much of it is just cast from powdered hematine which bears little relationship to actual hematite.

    Real hematite:

    As for the “krill oil” lecture I can’t tell whether you are castigating krill as as source for the omega oils or are castigating the whole idea of omega oils being nutritionally advantageous in the first place. The omega thing is very much alive and well – I am a big fan of ingesting them supplementally for a variety of reasons though I do not use krill as the source.

    1. These orbits
      We come from different planets emlong, but we can still be friends.

      [quote=emlong]I suspect that these bracelets were made in China where such contaminations are not very closely monitored if at all.[/quote]

      They are.

      [quote=emlong]I have never been a fan of so called formed “hematite jewelry,” because so much of it is just cast from powdered hematine which bears little relationship to actual hematite.[/quote]

      Hematite is not what I have a problem with, even crystals and their potential healing abilities. But these bracelets are not like the organite or things you make Emlong. They are made solely for playing on people’s desperation or misguidance. They could put any bracelet made of any metal in the packaging, market it as healing and people would believe it. That isn’t to say all is BS, but this company has been tricking people a long time. I don’t have a problem with using minerals to heal, it’s how they are marketed.

      [quote=emlong]As for the “krill oil” lecture I can’t tell whether you are castigating krill as as source for the omega oils or are castigating the whole idea of omega oils being nutritionally advantageous in the first place. The omega thing is very much alive and well – I am a big fan of ingesting them supplementally for a variety of reasons though I do not use krill as the source.[/quote]

      No I was specifically ranting about the MegaRed brand. My experiences have a lot of these supplements being useless in the long run. If it works for you fine. Glad someone could get use out of them. It’s a multi-billion dollar business, it has to be beneficial to someone.

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