Don’t worry, you haven’t left things too late – the Tuesday news briefs are here waiting for you:
- Peter Thiel’s apocalypse dream: a strange essay reveals how Silicon Valley elites are creating an apocalyptic techno-religion to rule the future of civilization.
- Related: The Technocratic Conspiracy – how tech tycoons plan to disrupt democracy and become the new rulers of the world.
- ‘Our model of cosmology might be broken’: New study reveals the universe is expanding too fast for physics to explain.
- We finally know what 1,400-year-old ‘mystery rings’ in Australia are.
- Dyson Trees on comets could make a home for humans – and other things.
- The legend of an ‘evil ancient mummy’ that sunk the RMS Titanic.
- A paralyzed man just piloted a virtual drone with his mind alone.
- The skull of a person long thought to be Cleopatra’s half sister was misidentified for nearly a century, new research has concluded.
- Palmer Luckey’s AI defense company Anduril is building a $1 billion plant in Ohio. See ‘The Technocratic Conspiracy‘ mentioned above for relevant context…
- Scientists use advanced metamaterials and injection molding to create artificial meat.
- Live is thriving in the subsurface depths of Earth. Hopefully they’re not talking about Deros…
Quote of the Day:
We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.
Louis D. Brandeis