Beware convincing imitations – here are the organically assembled and genuine Tuesday Grail news briefs:
- ‘Unique’ Neolithic child burial with puzzling skeletal modifications revealed.
- Remember that metal ring that fell from the sky onto a village in Kenya? We still don’t know where it came from.
- ‘Octavia knew‘: Black sci-fi writer Octavia Butler predicted the dystopia of the LA fires and Trump presidency decades in advance by studying history.
- Maryland General Assembly witchcraft resolution sparks debate on lawmakers’ priorities.
- How AI is being drafted for a digital cold war.
- Ketamine’s potential to treat depression beautifully shown in struggling zebrafish.
- Archaeologists discover stunning tomb of renowned wizard-doctor who served the pharaohs of Egypt approximately 4,000 years ago.
- Ricki Lake’s house burning down in LA fire was predicted by psychic Tyler Henry.
- The strange paradox of modern science denialism.
- 2024 was the hottest year in recorded history, unleashing “misery for millions of people”. This is fine…
- Medieval stone disks found in Ukraine could be Viking solar compasses.
- Image(s) of the Day: Spacecraft captures spectacularly detailed images of Mercury’s hidden surface.
Quote of the Day:
There is a vast and terrible sibling rivalry going within the human family as we satisfy our desires for territory, dominance, and exclusivity. How strange: In our ongoing eagerness to create aliens, we express our need for them, and we express our deep fear of being alone in a universe that cares no more for us than it does for stones or suns or any other fragments of itself. And yet we are unable to get along with those aliens who are closest to us, those aliens who are of course ourselves.
Octavia Butler