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News Briefs 30-09-2024

Plenty of crossover in today’s Grail news briefs stories…

Quote of the Day:

The sense of there being a ‘thinking thing’ behind AI chatbots is also driven by the now-common wisdom that we don’t know exactly how AI systems work. What’s called the ‘black box problem’ is often framed in mystical terms – the robots are so far ahead or so alien that they’re doing something we can’t comprehend.

That is true, but not quite in the way it sounds. New York University professor Leif Weatherby suggests that the models are processing so many permutations of data that it is impossible for a single person to wrap their head around it. The mysticism of AI isn’t a hidden or inscrutable mind behind a curtain – it’s to do with scale, and brute power.

Navneet Alang

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