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News Briefs 08-08-2024

When we only allow a movie in the theaters less than two weeks before we embark on spoiling it all throughout social media, we have failed as a civilized society. I’m looking at you, Ryan Reynolds!

Quote of the Day:

Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.

Rabindranath Tagore

  1. I live at the area that underwater Stonehenge thing is supposed to be at, no more data has come out from it in so long. Decades. They keep saying it’s being kept secret so it isn’t ‘disturbed’, but also do zero research on it. I hate it. This article says granite is local, but there isn’t any for like 200 miles, north. Only rare glacial deposits, never seen one bigger than a large pumpkin. This area is pure sand and gravel for hours and hours drive in every direction. Shrug

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