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Vale Adam Scott Miller, Visionary Artist and Friend of the Grail

I am devastated to share news of the passing of visionary artist Adam Scott Miller at just 40 years of age. Adam and I found each other some two decades ago, bonding over a shared love of Tool, Alex Grey, and other writers, musicians and artists who I’m sure many Grail readers also appreciate (in a profile of Adam we published many years ago, he also listed the likes of Alan Moore, Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson, Graham Hancock and Shpongle as formative influences).

I was blown away by Adam’s skills and imaginative force at such a young age, seemingly drawing from the visionary and occult wells that others like Alex Grey and Austin Osman Spare, among others, had previously pulled from.

In subsequent years, we were blessed to have Adam provide his brilliant art (both existing, and custom-created) for a number of Daily Grail releases, from his numerous article illustrations in our magazine Sub Rosa, to cover images for books including Darklore and Charles Laughlin’s Communing with the Gods. Whether working in digital or traditional mediums, on abstract visionary pieces or specific subjects, Adam’s talent and imagination shone through:

I’ve often said to friends that I regard artists as magicians, manifesting beauty, emotion, inspiration and shards of cosmic consciousness in the world by pulling it from their own core and/or by tuning into a deeper frequency of the universe – and in that sense, when it came to Adam, he was a wizard of the highest power. (Enjoy some of his magic via his Instagram account.)

Unfortunately, with magical power often comes an element of madness, and Adam certainly had that aspect as well – and ultimately, according to the statement on his Facebook page from family and friends (reproduced below), it sadly took its toll and on July 11, 2024, he took his own life. Please, if you suffer with these thoughts yourself, I urge you to reach out for support – you are loved, you have value, and your future has all sorts of beautiful things ahead of you.

Adam Scott Miller and daughter Maia Lily

Farewell Adam, thanks for your friendship and for sharing your magical gifts with us all – I hope you are now exploring the cosmic mysteries that always intrigued you.

In Loving Memory of Adam Scott Miller

March 3, 1984 – July 11, 2024

Adam Scott Miller was a beacon of brilliance and creativity, a master artist whose visionary works captivated the hearts and minds of many. His extraordinary talent shone brightly, illuminating the world through his unique perspectives, imaginative spirit, and understanding of what he called the “Ecology of Energy.”

Beneath the surface of his artistic genius, Adam faced profound struggles with a mental illness that was difficult to diagnose but witnessed by those closest to him. Despite his battles, he remained a loving father to Maia Lily and a cherished friend to those who knew him well.

His kindness, humour, and boundless creativity left an indelible mark on everyone he encountered.

Adam’s life was a delicate balance between light and shadow. He was both gentle and bold, sweet and complex, a true enigma who navigated the fine line between genius and madness.

His art was not just a means of expression but a refuge from the inner turmoil he often faced, allowing him to find beauty amidst the chaos.

Suddenly and without warning, on the 11th of July 2024, Adam’s battle against the inner forces destroying his life came to an end at his own hand.

Although his journey was fraught with challenges, Adam’s spirit remains free. His legacy lives on through his incredible body of work, his teachings, and most importantly, his beloved daughter, Maia. In her, his spirit continues to thrive, echoing the love and creativity he embodied.

Adam, you will always be remembered for your brilliance, your passion, and the profound impact you had on the lives of those around you. May your spirit find peace and your light continue to inspire us all.

With deepest love and respect,

Your Family and Friends

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