If you’re reading this, you ARE the Resistance.
- Our evolutionary past can teach us about AI’s future.
- The ‘Singularity’ is less than 10 years away according to this nerd.
- Looks like Elmo has managed to unveil the most cringe-worthy AI software yet. All he had to do was program it to share his crappy sense of humor.
- Elmo’s Cybertruck will become the most dangerous thing on the roads.
- Billionaire-backed company has bought all the land it needs for its ‘city of yesterday’. Will it be run on Adam?
- The Woz is hospitalized in Mexico City 🙁
- ‘The Meg’s’ shark cousins are warm-blooded and feeling the heat.
- This is the ops manual for the most tech-savvy animal liberation group in the US.
- ‘Holy Grail of shipwrecks’ to be exhumed off Colombia with $20B sunken treasure.
- Long-distance weaponry identified at the 31,000-year-old archaeological site of Maisières-Canal.
- If you are going to read one news article today, let it be THIS one: A secret war, strange new wounds and silence from the Pentagon.
- The revived Binnall of America podcast interviews cryptozoology field researcher Katy Elizabeth about her extensive work searching for the Lake Champlain Monster.
- 73% of viewers think demons are ‘overdone’ in paranormal reality shows.
- Language is medicine for First Nations people.
- Red Pill of the Day: Mexican Congress holds second(!) UFO session featuring Peruvian
mummiespapier maché dolls.
Thanks to David Pecotiç
Quote of the Day:
Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.
Nikola Tesla