- Altruism in birds? Magpies have outwitted scientists by helping each other remove tracking devices.
- Do birds have language? It depends on how you define it.
- The man rethinking the definition of reality.
- King Tut’s famous ‘extraterrestrial dagger’ turns out to have possibly not been made in Egypt.
- At Harvard, psychedelic drugs’ tentative renaissance.
- The insights that psychedelics give you aren’t always true.
- Researchers want to create ‘universal donor’ lungs.
- Webb telescope might be able to detect alien civilisations by their air pollution.
- We’re not prepared for contamination between worlds.
- Fighter jets scramble to examine mysterious orb over Hawaii, military officials say.
- A message from a mysterious ancient culture in Siberia.
- Archaeologists find 9000-year-old shrine in Jordan desert.
Quote of the Day:
Consciousness is the biggest mystery. It may be the largest outstanding obstacle in our quest for a scientific understanding of the universe.
David Chalmers