Congratulations on a memorable trip –I’m talking of course of Chihiro, who just turned 20.
- Sunken city discovered off of Egypt.
- Record floods unleash deadly destruction across Central China.
- Dubai is making its own fake rain to beat the record heat wave. That’s like running a million refrigerators to make ice cubes that you then dump into Antarctica to replenish the glaciers.
- It’s hot where you live, too? Well get used to it, Bubba.
- In Mexico, the vaquita are being sacrificed for political gain.
- Protein-folding AI is making a ‘once in a generation’ advance in biology.
- New plant species discovered in Antarctica.
- 4.6 billion-year-old meteorite found in horseshoe footprint.
- Huge comet found to be active.
- Air Force directed-energy report argues defensive force fields may be ‘just on the horizon’. Solving world hunger? That’s still centuries away, of course…
- No, but really. Should we contact aliens?
- UAP Task Force initiated contact with NASA to brief them on UFOs –but they won’t say why.
- Lawmakers say more UFO research is needed.
- Peter Robbins invites our friend Greg Bishop to his radio show “Meanwhile Here on Earth.”
- Who is Wally Funk, the oldest person to go into space(ish)?
- Red Pill of the Day: Austin Powers predicted the future.
Thanks to Greg and Rick.
Quote of the Day:
I try to dig deep into the well of my subconscious. At a certain moment in that process, the lid is opened and very different ideas and visions are liberated. With those, I can start making a film. But maybe it’s better that you don’t open that lid completely, because if you release your subconscious it becomes really hard to live a social or family life.
Hayao Miyazaki