The Daily Grail has been providing articles, interviews and daily news briefs updates to the community for over 22 years now. Unfortunately, over the last few years a series of injuries, illness and ‘meatspace’ commitments have made it very difficult to commit the time I would have liked to the site, and so it has felt a little like we’ve been treading water.
However, this year – with a return to better health (touchwood), and the unfortunate loss of my day job due to COVID-related cutbacks – I plan to sink a lot more time into getting the Grail back up and running at full steam, and adding new features. And Red Pill Junkie has also jumped on board as a partner in my effort!
Here’s the thing though – we have always been an old-school internet site, primarily interested in researching and writing about topics and sharing it freely, not making a profit. There is no media corporation funding us, it’s just us.
So we rely on our readers to help out in covering our costs. The good news is, with an audience in the thousands, it shouldn’t be difficult – if a good proportion of our readership signed up to our Patreon for just $1/month, we’d have the resources to reach our goals. The bad news is, on the internet, nearly everyone wants it for free.
So I’m asking any readers with the resources to do so – please take a few moments to sign up as a Patreon supporter of the Daily Grail. In return, for the price of just a few coffees, you’ll get a full year of fascinating articles and daily new briefs – not a bad deal!
And, with more resources at our disposal, RPJ and I are committed to value-adding to that, with prize draws, video streaming chats, and much more. So please, jump on board and help us out. Your support is hugely appreciated!
New features
Note, as part of our push to improve the Grail, we’ve just recently installed a new front-end to the site (as you may have noticed). One of the first of the new features this has allowed us to install is a ‘night mode’ option – this flips the default ‘dark text on light background’ to the opposite, just by clicking the moon icon on the right side of the top-of-site menu.
This is a feature that many of our long-time readers have been asking about for some time (the Grail started its life with a black background and light text), so I hope it is useful to you.
We’ve also now made it easier to scroll through older news briefs on the front page of the site – at the top right of the news briefs section, you’ll see arrows that allow you to go back over not just days, but weeks of previous news briefs. Note too that in the sidebar to the right of the news briefs section, there is also an ‘Archives’ dropdown that will allow you to browse previous months of all the stories posted on the Grail.
Please note too, another new feature allows you to support us: social sharing buttons beneath the title of articles on the site, as well as at the very end of the article, allow you to spread the word about the Grail. If you’ve read anything on the site that you think your followers on social media might find interesting, please do click on the relevant social media links to share with them.
We hope to continue rolling out new features on the site as time allows!