“Don’t be mean. We don’t have to be mean. Because remember…”
- Nasa aims to send first woman to the moon.
- Opening the door to Planet X / Planet 9.
- Mass extinctions follow a 27 million-year cycle. You are *here*.
- Aquatic dreams?
- Tiny ocean fossils offer clues to Ice Ages.
- The weight of mankind’s stuff.
- Egypt cast its spell over Newton.
- Rock-sample from space arrives after 6 year return trip.
- When the earth swallowed continents whole.
- Honeybees use tools. It begins.
- Evolutionary origins of Pterosaurs, unraveled.
- Rainforest village ‘laid out like the Cosmos’.
- Exploding rockets.
- Year of the quantum computer?
- Oceanographers spot new whale.
- Under a Venus-lit morning sky.
- Government leaked UFO photo?
- Overdue Congressional Medal awarded to Rosie and all the Riveters.
Quote of the Day:
“…There you are.”
Dr. Buckaroo Banzai