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- The lonely universe: is life on Earth just a lucky fluke?
- Asteroid ‘Apophis’ might be more likely to strike Earth in 2068 than thought.
- Samples of anything coming from Mars, are a billion for one, they said. (Sung to the tune of…)
- Research project reveals the original pigments of 2000-year-old astronomical inscriptions at the ancient Egyptian Temple of Esna.
- The age-old question of whether we all see colour the same way may now have an answer.
- Where does our consciousness overlap with an octopus’s?
- Related: The amazing brains and morphing skin of the cephalopods.
- What happens when psychedelics make you see God?
- Orbits of ancient stars prompt rethink on Milky Way evolution.
- Life with purpose: Biologists balk at any talk of ‘goals’ or ‘intentions’ – but a bold new research agenda has put agency back on the table.
- What is a particle?
Quote of the Day:
Isolated material particles are abstractions, their properties being definable and observable only through their interaction with other systems.
Niels Bohr (1934)