Happy Crowleymas!
- The Archbishop of New Orleans orders a church altar to be burned after a pastor was caught in a ‘demonic’ sexual act. (Or as grown-ups like to call it, a consensual three-way.)
- Witches are trying to figure out whose spell gave Trump COVID-19.
- Teens are watching their parents go down the QAnon rabbit hole.
- Conspiracy time: even a stopped clock can always be wrong.
- The modern lives of ancient symbols.
- How a DNA study toppled the Viking family tree.
- Newborn Neanderthals had a robust and broad thoracic cage just like adults.
- Shamans, sun gods, warriors: thousands of Bronze Age petroglyphs mark this ancient site.
- Thirty-eight great statues of Atlas, all now ruined, once decorated the ancient Greek Temple of Olympic Zeus. Archaeologists have a novel plan for the remains.
- Astronomers are using black hole echoes to help map the universe.
- Our brain is better at remembering where to find brownies than cherry tomatoes. Sounds fair enough to me!
- How Trump has damaged science – and why it could take decades to recover.
- Electric shocks to the tongue can quiet the ringing ears of tinnitus.
- Video of the Day: Did hallucinogens play a role in the origin of religion?
Thanks Rick.
Quote of the Day:
Intolerance is evidence of impotence.
Aleister Crowley