“There are some oddities in the perspective with which we see the world.”
- The world is changing before our eyes.
- Another interstellar intruder.
- Woman vs. meteorite.
- Resilient coral reefs vs. climate change.
- The power of climate change compels you.
- Looking for cracks in the universe.
- Did dust storms erase Mars’ H2O?
- Man-made bacteria transforms carbon dioxide into biofuel.
- A new tectonic zone.
- Recording a natural galaxy of sound.
- Aquatic Ape Hypothesis under the lens.
- This is your brain on DMT.
- The X-Ray universe.
- Warp speed.
- I like turtles.
Quote of the Day:
It’s nice to think that one could, even here and now, be whisked away just by hitchhiking.
Douglas Adams