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News Briefs 15-07-2019

Welcome to the future…

Thanks to Trevor, Gerald, Frank, Rob, and ‘Near-Death Experiences & the Afterlife’ for your support of the Grail!

Quote of the Day:

[Area 51] is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces. The U.S. Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.

Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews

  1. Unexpected awakenings in dementia patients at the end of life: glimmers of hope, hope of what? Alzheimer/dementia is a disease of the brain and bodies die, we’ve known this since whenever. The problem we have are ignorant scientists that usually pretend they know it all, but they can’t because they are stuck in materialist science. I’m not surprised that consciousness decides to break through, when it becomes aware the host body is about to die, to say goodbye. But then all those doctors isn’t the worse. Those idiots running astrophysics are far far far worse, they chase a phantom making it up as they go along. WTF why do we accept this non-sense, 95% of the universe is dark, just as long their silly gravity based theories stack up. And it’s not as if the truth wasn’t in everybody’s face, but as long as the competition is kept sidelined, even places like the daily grail is a ‘black hole’ when it comes to inform it’s readership about the true nature of the universe. Brilliant minds like Birkeland and Alven (Nobelwinners) and Velikofsky (who deserved a Nobel), pointed out that the Universe is electric, and is governed by electric laws, most of which we know full well. But hey then everybody could grasp it, not just a small group of mathematical wizards.

    ps, Robin these huge icesheets take hundreds of years to melt, not really a worry for the coming decades.

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