Last drinks…
- NASA starts preparing for arrival of huge space rock named ‘God of Chaos’. Hail Eris?
- The Department of Defense has contradicted the story about the Pentagon publicly releasing UFO videos.
- How the U.S. and Russia use dolphins and whales for military missions.
- Could life on Earth have come from another solar system?
- Our sun is stranger than astrophyicists imagined.
- The new physics needed to probe the origins of life.
- Could the new Denisovan find in Tibet be linked to hairy hominid reports from Siberia?
- Study finds that encounters with ‘God’, even under the influence, provide lasting mental benefits.
- Woman recounts her out-of-body experience after dying for 14 minutes.
- Inside the haunted doll markets of eBay and Etsy.
- If reality is a computer simulation, what happens if I hack it?
- From Cerne to CERN: a pilgrim’s tale.
- Video of the Day: The insect that builds itself an exoskeleton out of pebbles.
Thanks to @ProjectArchivis.
Quote of the Day:
You know, if I had realized that all of this was going to come true, I would have chosen Venus.
Discordian founder Greg Hill, on invoking Eris