A reminder: Darklore X is now available for sale! Grab a paperback or one of the limited edition hardcovers from Amazon and enjoy.
- “Soon we’ll be back together”: the comforting dreams of dying patients.
- FBI finds 2000 ancient human bones in Indiana man’s house.
- Scientists discover an ancient tattoo tool hidden among museum artifacts.
- A 30-million-page library is heading to the Moon, to help preserve human civilization.
- Incredible experiment gives infrared vision to mice – and humans could be next.
- The Planet 9 hypothesis.
- Denver International Airport installs talking gargoyle as a nod to conspiracy theories.
- The neo-Nazi plot against America is much bigger than we realize.
- Masks come out in Swiss ‘valley of monsters‘.
- Yale Assyriologist decodes the ‘writing of the heavens’ by ancient stargazers.
- In search of E.T.: Fear of what’s out there causes big split among space scientists.
- The Estes method: a scientific examination of the hottest trend in spirit communication.
- A faerie taxonomy.
- Video of the Day: First-ever video showing a tarantula eating an opossum.
Thanks to @AdamGorightly.
Quote of the Day:
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
Mark Twain