Reminder that this happened 50 years ago, and everything in music has been a downhill spiral ever since.
- Maverick scientist claims to have discovered a breakthrough approach to treat Alzheimer’s –and it’s great news for bacon lovers!
- ‘Mystery illness’ (a.k.a. Sonic attack) keeps affecting the Canadian diplomatic mission in Cuba.
- Canadian glacial melt uncovers landscapes hidden for 40k years.
- How does a quantum particle see the world?
- Lost in Translation? Cryptozoologist extraordinaire Loren Coleman chimes in on my recent Sasquatch article.
- Neanderthals and Denisovans shared a Siberian cave for thousands of years. It’s only the Homo Sapiens the ones who never learned to share with the other hominid neighbors.
- Children are asking the Internet how to get vaccinated without their parents’ consent –there’s hope for the future yet!
- Scientists think they finally figured out how LSD affects our consciousness.
- How the ’60s counterculture created Silicon Valley.
- How History Channel’s Ancient Aliens takes the mickey out of Australian history.
- ‘Skyman’: Blair Witch Project co-director is back with an alien abduction faux documentary –and by the looks of the movie poster, he’s a big fan of Mike Clelland…
- Here are the new entries in the Psi Encyclopedia.
- Jeffrey Kripal rants about a skeptically-inclined book about the supernatural like a boss.
- The bizarre chase through a high-security Nevada nuclear test site that ended in a deadly shooting.
- The secret US Air Force space plane just spent 500 days in space.
- Why Artificial Intelligence might trigger a nuclear war.
- Red Pill of the Day: Video of clueless tourist in Australia holding über-toxic octopus in his hand goes viral.
Thanks to Greg.
Quote of the Day:
I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.
Richard Feynman