Victo Hugo once said “no army can stop an idea whose time has come.” And there’s no finer example of this than the way in which Graham Hancock’s ‘heretical’ ideas have started to permeate into the mainstream, like the drip-drip-drip that slowly carved the fissures on the Sphinx over thousands upon thousands of years.
Which is why, despite the efforts of skeptics who demanded that TED remove Graham’s talk ‘The War on Consciousness’ from their webpage (you can find a re-uploaded version here, and Graham’s own thoughts on the controversy at his website) the presentation found its audience and was viewed by millions of people all over the world.
And now, thanks to the wonderful work of the After Skool Youtube channel, we can once again appreciate the wisdom of Graham’s words in a whole new, and colorful way.
Yes, there IS a war on Consciousness. And if you’re reading this, then YOU are part of the Resistance.