Volcanoes are Mother Earth’s show-and-tell way of reminding us we don’t have control over $#!t…
- Harrowing drone video shows damage caused by the Fuego volcano’s eruption in Guatemala.
- What caused 2014’s bird die-off on the Pacific coast? Scientists are blaming ‘the Blob’.
- There was nothing enviable about the diet of cavemen.
- How Jesus died: rare evidence of Roman crucifixion found.
- Reconsidering the Church of Satan.
- Searching for music that melts the stars: our interview with Jason Silva about the healing power of wonder and awe.
- Alien Apocalypse: Can any civilization make it through climate change?
- Nicolas Hausdorf reviews Jasun Horsley’s new book Prisoner of Infinity.
- After a brief slumber, the New Horizons probe is awake and ready for its next fly-by.
- The heavier the astronaut, the bigger the risk to her eyesight.
- How William Gibson’s Neuromancer shaped our vision of technology.
- Synthetic brain-destroying prions created in the lab for the first time. DIY Zombie Apocalypse in 3… 2… 1…
- 50 years ago, the life of the busboy who held the head of RFK as he was dying was changed forever.
- Can we tap into hidden mental faculties?
- Wrestling champ Vivian St. John possessed strange psychic powers.
- Red Pill of the Day: In 1922 some scientists researched the ‘ectoplasm’ generated by a medium. It wasn’t ectoplasm…
Thanks to Greg
Quote of the Day:
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
Douglas Adams