“Lack of knowledge concerning all the factors and the failure to include them in our integral imposes false conclusions.”
- Jupiter’s interstellar neighbor.
- Life on Mars, 4 billion years old.
- Dinosaur-killing asteroid linked to global warming.
- Do particles stand still?
- The benefits of daydreaming.
- Europe’s oldest tree keeps growing.
- When quantum mechanics got spookier.
- Agatha Christie & the 4,000 yr. old murder mystery.
- The DNA of Loch Ness.
- The tiniest of tiny homes.
- Unraveling spacetime.
- Magnet 2.0.
- Summer, summer Summertime.
- This week’s evidence of the looming robot uprising… Berry-picking bots.
Quote of the Day:
“We are now synergetically forced to conclude that all phenomena are metaphysical; wherefore, as many have long suspected — like it or not — “life is but a dream.”
W. Buckminster Fuller