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News Briefs 09-11-2017

My fave was Ep. 7 #SoSueMe

Thanks to Greg, Elle and Kali.

Quote of the Day:

“Please God, please, don’t let me be normal.”

Sigourney Weaver, in her High school yearbook

  1. Yeah, I’m going there. The climate debate really has never been about science, but rather politics and economics. Period.

    This news has tremendous implications. It means that no matter what humans did or didn’t do or will or won’t do, we likely are a minimal factor in the overall warming trend. That’s not to say we shouldn’t do as much as is possible to ameliorate the human contribution to it. But rather than blaming and shrieking at each other from either side of a chasm, we need to begin a constructive conversation about preparing for a change that’s beyond our control to prevent.

    1. Well, I’m sorry but even NASA says the new model predicting the existence of this giant hot plume can only explain SOME of the melting observed in Antarctica.

      “Although the heat source isn’t a new or increasing threat to the West Antarctic ice sheet, it may help explain why the ice sheet collapsed rapidly in an earlier era of rapid climate change, and why it is so unstable today.”

  2. Sorry, but the climate debate IS about economics and politics with science being perverted on both sides to prove a point (and in some cases just to get more grant money).

    It is hubris to think the human race can “fix” what is a global planetary phenomenon with a myriad of contributing factors only some of which are susceptible to human intervention. We humans don’t have power over the cosmos (though we usually foolishly believe we do) or the Earth (even though we’re doing our damndest to to destroy it; it will destroy us first). Oh, and for those hoping for a deus ex machina, there are no aliens coming to save us. Sorry.

    We should do everything we can to reduce the human contribution, but it’s also critical to devote energy and resources to plan for what might well be inevitable and completely out of our hands. Because if we haven’t the power to stop or reverse climate change (and it’s a good bet we don’t) we’re dooming ourselves and other life on Earth if we fail to prepare to adapt to it.

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