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Cosmic eye

Awakening: Jason Silva on the Need For a New Narrative and For Us All “to Become Something More”

The events of the past 24 hours are yet another reminder that humanity is at a crossroads, suffering from an existential angst that manifests as horrifying attacks on our fellow humans. As our technology continues to rapidly advance, so too does our power to both harm and help each other – and so it is crucial that we start treading a higher path.

Jason Silva’s latest ‘shot of awe’ monologue (embedded below), is a rallying cry for a new narrative; and for us all to upgrade, to hack ourselves, “to become something more”:

We need to commune with the eternal, with the cosmos, in order to impregnate our life with meaning and signification. Now, religion used to provide this narrative, provide this existential blanket, right, blanketing us from the void by telling us we will live forever… But increasing sophistication, increasing scientific awareness and knowledge, and increasing intelligence has actually made us more anxious because these old narratives are no longer serving us.

Perhaps what we need is a different story…

The monologue revolves around the so-called ‘Overview Effect’ experienced by astronauts when they see the planet as a whole – for more on this topic, see this story we posted a few years back.

More Jason Silva monologues:

  1. New Narrative
    The new narrative is to stop glorifying war, inciting war, and exporting war. This culture is drenched in violent war imagery courtesy of the military/industrial complex with its media lackeys. This is a shootemup culture – hardly surprising that impressionable people are being driven crazy by this morass of violence cheer-led by the media and Hollywood. The unspoken message of this barrage is that violence “gets things done.”

    “Legislating” a stoppage doesn’t work – better to do what always works with peer-driven humanoids – shaming. The violent mental decor that is accepted as normal should be shamed and hooted off the stage, off the television, off the screen.

  2. From the Meaning-Maps-Dept.
    Love his stuff

    Maybe we should also stop trying to break fences and instead ask ourselves first why r they there?

    Maybe somebunall of the things “ancienter” peoples found out are True and Healthy?

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