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News Briefs 03-08-2017

Farewell, señor Marrs. Keep on searching for answers!

Quote of the Day:

“Your mind is like a parachute. It works best open.”

˜Jim Marrs (1943-2017)

    1. Olmec
      Not sure I agree with the author’s interpretation that the Maya civilization was older than the Olmecs. Perhaps both were influenced by another, undiscovered culture.

      1. Maya
        Oh Red Pill i never took you for a conservative but you flag here, did you even read the article fully, see the underwater roads, The Maya or their elders were there at the time of the comet impact on 2 miles of ice raising waterlevels 50 meters or more within days. Clearly the Maya 11000 BC were a (global) powerhouse at the time 90% or more would have died in the flood(s). But i assume this would have been the case for much of the global population. Therefor the survivors would still have a relative strong position. Strong enough to have connections to Africa and thus Egypt. Meanwhile numbers would still be down and the idea of importing strong slaves from Africa makes sense, overtime these became the Olmec, funny that these guys are seen as pre-eminent… Time for Graham Hancock…

        1. Underwater roads
          No, I did read the article in full 😉

          BUT, even if the roads are real, that does NOT mean they were built by the Maya. Maybe they were built by a previous civilization, and the Maya found them and used them once the builders were gone. Or maybe the builders taught the Maya.

          It’s kind of like the argument made by alternative Egyptologists when they posit the Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramid were not really built by the ‘classical’ Egyptians.

      2. Atlanteans
        …always tempting to turn to Atlantis when the mother node is in doubt…


        (As far as ‘history’ is concerned, not only is there evidence of Viking and Chinese presence in Mesoamerica, but also African, one by the way of Abubakari II’s expedition c.1312.)

        Pre-history is an entirely different matter and perhaps neither the Mayan nor the Olmec can be regarded as the ‘seed culture’…

        (It is interesting to note that ‘Olmec’ figurines portray a number of diverse racial characteristics.)

        In time, maybe more can be deduced from the remains of Ceibal, as it appears to pre-date La Venta by two centuries.

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