Счастливый Запоздалый День рождения Ю́рий Гага́рин!
- Archaeologists may have discovered the active ingredient of soma in Mongolia.
- Deep Mind is 2-0 with Lee Se-dol.
- Facial recognition is so last year. Tomorrow artificial intelligence will identify terrorists by their V-signs.
- If the military-industrial complex has its way, America’s army will be full of cyborg warriors.
- In the midst of death, there was new life. Meet the woman born in Auschwitz.
- Shots fired! Why so many scientists are so ignorant when it comes to philosophy.
- Hypersexual martians control the government, and ZOG ZOG ZOG!
- Why does walking through doors make us forget? Same appears to go with switching browser tabs…
- The late Nancy Reagan believed in astrology, and Hillary Clinton tried her hand at spiritualism to contact Eleanor Roosevelt.
- The proverbial rabbit hole extends under Edinburgh as an expert declares Gilmerton Cove could be a druid temple and so much more.
- This is your brain on chocolate. Any questions?
- Are you fostering a baby elephant? Pajamas and socks oughta be on your shopping list for happy babies.
Gratz to Red Pill Junkie, Kat, and viewers like you.
Quote of the Day:
“If it’s real, it can take the pressure.”
– Terence McKenna