They are out there.
- Scientists to scan ancient pyramids with cosmic rays to find hidden chambers and other secrets.
- Maybe it’s time to stop snickering about aliens.
- Survey that revealed widespread iffy research practices in psychology was itself iffy.
- Consumer 3D printer used to create human tissue.
- Sonic tractor beam invented.
- Biscuit that survived the Titanic sells for $23,000.
- The people who stole the moon.
- Hung, drawn and quartered skeleton found in Welsh pub could be English saint.
- Reclusive programmer Steve Grand is creating a farmyard of virtual animals out of code.
- Bronze Age warrior’s tomb discovered in Pylos, Greece.
- Cassini is about to taste the huge geysers of Enceladus.
- Frozen cave lion cubs found in Siberia.
- Mysterious artefact dug up in Pennsylvania: Ancient Grenade?
- Haunting new find of death masks from ancient Siberian warrior race.
- Brain-controlling sound waves used to steer genetically modified worms.
Quote of the Day:
Everyone’s quick to blame the alien.