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News Briefs 16-09-2015

You’re not as important as you think you are.

Thanks @OtherworldNE

Quote of the Day:

Every thing possible to be believ’d is an image of truth.

William Blake

  1. ‘With the new classification,
    ‘With the new classification, the APA will lobby to introduce legislation which would allow doctors the right to force life-saving treatment on those who refuse it for spiritual reasons on the grounds that they are mentally incapable of making decisions about their health.”

    So would this mean that people like the late Terrence McKenna or Pat Robertson would be under suspicion of needing treatment? Very Kafka-esque.

    1. mental illness
      I don’t trust most of these “alphabet soup” organizations that are starting to put their atheist agendas into judging people like this. I’m sorry but as someone who has real mental illness in their family, I don’t think forcing perfectly healthy people to take mind altering drugs is ethically right and should be against the law. I don’t claim to be a heavily religious person, but I do believe in a higher power. It’s a lot funner believing that some things deemed as fantasy could one day be proven to be real. Without beliefs like that, there would be no books, comic strips, cartoons, sci-fi programs, or imagination in this world. I am not as extreme as some people take their religion, and while I think people like this:

      probably hoard cats, I think the APA is taking it too far. This is frankly the scariest article I have read all year. I am a much happier person than the people who want to diagnose me as mentally ill. You try to force me and I will make sure I turn into my wolf form and rip your faces off! .___.

      Look up Kim Davis and gay marriage in the news if you don’t understand the photo reference. I do not agree with what this woman has done and think this is why the APA are doing this.

  2. APA Story a Hoax
    Just a heads up. As a spiritually-oriented psychologist, the APA headline caught my eye and nearly made me jump out of my seat… then I did a little Googling and found this Snopes debunking of the story:

    Just an FYI, the APA has a division (Div. 36, Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality) that is transdisciplinary and bridges the fields. Here’s a little snippet about that division: “The Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality is a division of the American Psychological Association that promotes psychological theory, research, and clinical practice to understand the significance of religion and spirituality in people’s lives and in the discipline of psychology. The Society facilitates the interchange of ideas between science and clinical and applied practice, and seeks through its activities to increase public awareness of psychological dimensions of religion and spirituality. The Society is nonsectarian and does not espouse or endorse any particular religious positions or beliefs. It welcomes psychologists and others from around the world interested in the psychology of religion and spirituality.” You can read more here, if interested:

    Anyway, I understand the fear and mistrust, especially as there have been strong materialistic currents pulsing through psychology, historically, but there really does seem to have been a rapprochement between psychology and spirituality going on over the past decade or more. A lot of psychologists see faith and spirituality as protective factors that enable people to be more – not less – resilient in the face of stress. Generally, faith is seen to be an ally and not an enemy in helping people to improve their mental and emotional functioning.


    1. Magic and the Brownian Ratchet

      “As the article says, this is “hugely significant.” It shows that thermodynamics, that is “work-producing energy”, is not only a function of classical physics, but but must take quantum informational effects into account. In order to avoid violating the Second Law, the “information field” of any phenomenon must be taken into account. The molecular machinery of living cells often appear to rely on what’s called a Brownian Rachet, that harvests the random motions of molecules to function.”

  3. Belief in God Mental Disorder – debunked but…
    What I find as or more scary than the idea of legislating spirituality a disorder is the anger, hatred and outright hostility by the so-called atheists, those who perceive themselves as logical and intellectually superior because of their rejection of any spiritual reality and their blind allegiance to science. Just peruse the comment section following the story. Their comments and attacks are frightening.
    As if the history of scientific and medical establishments aren’t filled with blunders, mistakes, outright lies and abuse. If either were ever given legislation power over people’s beliefs – their thoughts, what an Orwellian hell we’d all be in…

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