Witness the world of wonder, weirdness and woo.
- Sperm whales learn local dialects. Is this how they talk in New Zealand?
- Homeopathy conference ends in chaos after delegates take hallucinogenic drug. Last place I’d want to be while hallucinating is a hospital.
- First-ever image of an alien or extraterrestrial organism has been captured, says University of Buckingham scientist. Last thing that slug needed was to bump into a salt crystal.
- Scientists discover a new species of cannabis, resistant to freezing temperatures, in Australia. Chill.
- Scientists prepare to reanimate giant Frankenvirus unearthed in Siberia. Stand by, Kaspersky.
- Wikipedia editors woo scientists to improve content quality. I just wanted to highlight the phrase ‘woo scientists’.
- Will metaphysical organisations die out because we’re no longer ‘joiners’?
- ‘Citizen science’ project will let anyone search for ancient fossils from the comfort of their homes.
- Special effects or the return of a Pterosaur?
- Mysterious 2,000-year-old podium found in Jerusalem.
- Our cosmic neighbourhood: Laniakea.
- Quantum weirdness proved real in first loophole-free experiment.
- Will artificial intelligence get high? Hopefully not during work hours.
- Five things Alice in Wonderland reveals about the brain. “It seems very pretty, but it’s RATHER hard to understand!”
Quote of the Day:
Whatever makes you weird is probably your greatest asset.
Joss Whedon