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Electricomics: A New Digital Comics Platform

Electricomics is a brand new, free digital comics platform that debuted this week with original content from the likes of Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Peter Hogan, and our friends Leah Moore and John Reppion. You can download the Electricomics app via this iTunes link.

The bundled content takes advantage of the digital format to explore and extend the capabilities of comics, with user interaction, character movement within panels, and iPad movements to unlock ‘parallel storylines’ all showcased in their short stories.

Perhaps even more exciting though is the feature that will appear in the next iteration of the Electricomics app:

Coming very soon, you will be able to go to and download the creator tool to your desktop PC or MAC. It lets you lay out, and package your own comics, and read them in the app. You can build Infinite Canvas comics, where the reader follows the story from panel to panel in whichever direction it leads. You can make Panel delivery comics, where you have control of the reading experience at panel level, every panel can be a reveal, and the page is fluid, changing.

The professional comics are a jumping off point, we want you to join in, and push forward what is possible for yourself. Apart from the four free comics, when you start to make your own Electricomics and read those of other people, the App is ready for you:

Maintain control of your own content. We don’t host it, it’s yours. You store it where you like, make what you want out of it. Comics load in the Electricomics App instantly from their URL.

Keep a library of your favourite comics, whether they were made by you, your friends, or your greatest heroes, they are all accessible in the same app.

Open Source code is used throughout, and full access to our JavaScript library, so if you can see a piece of functionality you could add to it, the code is there to use, and we can add it to the next update.

Whatever is added to Electricomics remains Open Source, and the property of the community using it. Take it. Make with it. Improve it. It’s yours.

If you’ve got an iPad, go grab the app and check it out!

Link: Electricomics for iOS

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