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News Briefs 15-07-2015


  • Nosferatu director’s head stolen from grave in Germany.
  • Astronomers spot black hole so big, it defies current theories of galaxy evolution.
  • Marden Henge to rival Stonehenge, says leading archaeologist.
  • The last Viking and his magical sword?
  • Outernet and Creative Commons to build a Library From Space.
  • Secret UFO files released as German government lose the right to keep research private.
  • The boneyard of the bizarre that rewrites Briton’s Celtic past.
  • So-called haunted dolls: the hot new collectors items.
  • Rendlesham: UFO researcher claims Men in Black tapped phone and tried to end her alien probe.
  • Is the Tasmanian Tiger alive and living on the mainland?
  • New cell division mechanism discovered.
  • Newly-discovered Maya Pyramid at Tonina is one of the biggest.
  • ‘Oldest’ computer music unveiled.
  • Large Hadron Collider discovers new pentaquark particle.
  • What happens when you give a tree an email address?

Quote of the Day:

“Have you thought of an ending?”
“Yes, several, and all are dark and unpleasant.”

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

  1. tree email
    Can a tree spam you inbox?

    I imagine they got a lot of spam. Think it’s funny that the American tree from Mississippi has a drawl -_-;
    That’s how you know it wasn’t written by someone from Mississippi. They don’t have that big of a “southern accent” in that area, at least not any I’ve met because I had family that used to live down there.

    Where I live you can adopt a sewer, specifically one that is marked with an environmental tag. When I was a kid a friend adopted a sewer in my name, one that was right down the street from me and at my bus stop. My job was to protect it from getting trash inside. My mother took it very seriously and one day we saw these two young girls throw cans in there from their car window. Mom, with me in the car, chased them to there home and scolded them about it, scared the shit out of them. Back in the good old days when you could parent someone else’s children without getting arrested 😛

    What would you ask a tree? Mine is, “Are you tired of dogs and drunks pissing on you?” I imagine trees from Central Park in NY have seen some things.

      1. Remember the “Dybbuk Box”
        Remember the “Dybbuk Box” thing a couple of years ago? Ebay was pointedly dismissive of that story, and you can see why – the whole idea that items owned by other people might be haunted with those peoples’ energy could be a turn off for people buying previously owned things on Ebay.

        “The Dybbuk Box” on Paranomal Witness:

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