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News Briefs 10-06-2015

That special time again:

Quote of the Day:

We live at a very special time… the only time when we can observationally verify that we live at a very special time!

Lawrence M. Krauss

  1. Led Zepplin
    Dang, now that’s a hell of a story. Great read. I can’t help but believe they all cursed themselves though, not so much Crowley cursing therm. But then again by following the sex and drugs part they were doomed to hit the figurative brick wall at some point. Too much of a good thing can fuck your shit up! Just look at Ozzy Osbourne, his brain is basically buttered toast!

    Ignore my avatar 😛

  2. The Jesus Scandal
    God forbid any one not defined as a “scholar” say anything about Jesus that may be off topic. Well I always supported Simcha and will continue to believe in our “Naked Archeologist” so thank you Simcha for all you do. One day the truth will be unavoidable and all your detractors shall cower in a corner as they are surrounded by the crows they must now devour.

    1. well…….
      I have no doubt that Jesus was married and had children. I fail to see how any of that would counter any theological teachings at the core of Christianity.

      I do take umbrage with one part of the referenced article, however. In it, the claim is made that finding the ossuary of Jesus would disprove His resurrection. I don’t see that at all. His soul was returned to His body after 3 days. He could have lived many more years before returning his body to the earth. A rock tomb could certainly have slowed any decay due to it’s cool temperature for such a short period of time.

      personally, I believe that Jesus survived His crucifixion. He was likely drugged (the story of a sop with vinegar) which kept the soldiers from breaking His legs. Jesus appeared already dead. The real clue, though, is when the Centurian allegedly lances Jesus in the side, and blood flowed out. Dead bodies don’t bleed like that. If the heart isn’t beating, there is no pressure to force blood through the arteries. But I digress.

      I believe that Jesus, after recovering from his wounds sufficiently to let him move around safely, met with His followers in secret to continue their final instructions from him. He was simply clearing up loose ends. Afterward, He and his family sailed out of Judea and, following the storyline, on to the south coast of France. It makes a lot of sense to me.

      Plus, we also have to keep in mind that there are two competing storylines here. Jesus had His own mission, and it failed, so He left with His family for more safe climes. His followers, His brothers and sisters and the “Jesus Cult” that remained in Jerusalem, kept up the cause, but were eventually overtaken by the “Christians” or should I say “Paulians”, since it was Paul who deified Jesus. Too much to go over here, but I’d really recommend “Paul: The Mind of the Apostle” for a good read on how it all likely went down. That is, how Paul created “Christianity” and how that differentiated from what Jesus’ own followers believed and expected.


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