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News Briefs 06-05-2015

Alien? What Alien?

Thanks @anomalistnews

Quote of the Day:

I don’t use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough.

M. C. Escher

  1. Hydrogen Crystals

    “One of the stories I was told more than once was that one of the crystal pairs used in the propulsion of the Roswell crash was a
    Hydrogen Crystal. Until recently, creating a Hydrogen crystal was beyond the reach of our scientific capabilities. That has now
    changed. In one Top Secret Black Program, under the DOE, a method to produce hydrogen crystals was discovered, then
    manufacturing began in 1994.

    The lattice of hydrogen quasi-crystals, and another material not named, formed the basis for the plasma shield propulsion of
    the Roswell craft and was an integral part of the bio-chemically engineered vehicle. A myriad of advanced crystallography
    undreamed of by scientists were discovered by the scientists and engineers who evaluated, analyzed, and attempted to reverse
    engineer the technology presented with the Roswell vehicle and eight more vehicles which have crashed since then.”

    1. Heterochromatin, Stress, Epigenetics

      Recent research has shown that stressed parents can pass on epigenetic changes to offspring that influence their risk of disease, but the process behind this transmission remained a mystery. Now, a study published last month (June 21) in Cell shows that when flies are under stress, a transcription factor releases its hold on tightly wound regions of DNA called heterochromatin, allowing them to unravel and be copied.

  2. “The brain and consciousness
    “The brain and consciousness are linked together, but the brain does not produce consciousness. Consciousness is something altogether different and separate. The math doesn’t lie.”

    This Korean Physicists named Song seems to be echoing the brain as receiver of consciousness concept, intentionally or not.

  3. What Alien? This Alien.
    Might have screen captured the first “Roswell Slide” during last night’s beWitness stream, figured my fellow Grailer’s would appreciate it:

    Not convinced alien, not convinced child mummy.
    Wish the twitter “skeptics” would refute the forensic claims rather than just tossing the whole thing out the window. Many researchers in the field certainly put their reputations on the line with their involvement last night.

    ..and it appears we can now find the image in better color and resolution over at Coast2Coast:
    Coast to Coast AM, first Roswell slide.

  4. Living in the Hologram
    Excerpts from Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot:

    Pg 14: Holography is possible because of interference patterns that occur when two or more waves ripple through each other.
    Pg 17: “…every small fragment of a piece of holographic film contains all the information record in the whole? This was precisely the feature that got Pribram so excited, for it offered at last a way of understanding how memories could be distributed rather than localized in the brain.”
    Pg 31: Pribram’s physicist son recommended the work of physicist David Bohm. “When Pribram did he was electrified. He not only found the answer to his question, but also discovered that according to Bohm, the entire universe was a hologram.”

    …This chameleon like ability is common to all subatomic particles. It is also common to all things once thought to manifest exclusively as waves. Light, gamma rays, radio waves, X-rays – all can change from waves to particles and back again. Today physicists believe that subatomic phenomena should not be classified solely as either waves or particles, but as a single category of somethings that are always somehow both. These somethings are called quanta, and physicists believe they are the basic stuff from which the entire universe is made…

    There is compelling evidence that the only time quanta manifest as particles is when we are looking at them…”

    P 41 Bohm’s interpretation of quantum physics indicated that at the subquantum level, the level in which the quantum potential operated, location ceased to exist. All points in space became equal to all other points in space, and it was meaningless to speak of anything as being separate from anything else. Physicists call this property “nonlocality.”

    Pg 54 …Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interfering frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time: The brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe.

    …How our brains construct our image of a world out there…In other words, the smoothness of a piece of fine china and the feel of beach sand beneath our feet are really just elaborate versions of the phantom limb syndrome.

    Conclusions… Living in a holgroam does not necessarily mean a simulation, it could also be the means by with a Creator has projected out from it’s consciousness all of creation. Cayce described creation as the intersections of musical harmonies and mathematics aka interference patterns. Ultimately we are all vibrating energy waves congealed into a pattern amidst the infinite interference patterns permeating space…possibly solidified into particles through our conscious observation. If so, this would explain consciousness beyond life bereft of our physical bodies, and would explain our seeming interaction with matter when anomalistic synchronicities occur, and remote viewing and all manner of psychic phenomena, which is not a projecting outward, but rather a turning inward to the source where all information is contained within each part…

  5. Zone of Silence
    Ironically, communications equipment tends to work properly in the zone. Guides assert that the zone moves around; as a result locals are highly sceptical of the zone’s existence.

    Perhaps this “Zone of Silence” has the same glitches as Get Smart’s “Cone of Silence”?


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