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Richard Dolan: UFO Secrecy vs. Citizen Action

My friend Adnan Ademovic, who runs the Youtube channel and website UFO Hub, had the chance to interview Richard Dolan at the 2015 Ozark Mountain UFO conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. In the clip, Richard talks about how the UFO phenomenon has such an underestimated importance in both the Sciences as well as the political arena.

Richard also gives his opinion about the highly-charged UFO Disclosure movement. He believes Disclosure critics –of which I happen to be one– are seeing the issue from a wrong perspective, and it’s not that we should expect our governments and elected officials to “do everything for (us),” but that we as citizens should never forget that governments are supposed to be accountable to their people, and therefore owe us some answers re. the UFO phenomenon.

A valid point, though one that presupposes governments have in fact reached some answers with regards to what UFOs are, their origin and intentions —but what if they haven’t?

I personally feel the extinction of the nation-state as we currently know it is far more likely, than to see those states openly recognize the reality of a phenomenon that is clearly beyond their control. UFOs are the ultimate symbol of Anarchy –why they don’t even bother to obey the law of Gravity for crying out loud!



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