Wild at heart and weird on top.
- Nasa: Alien life may be found within 10 years on other planets.
- Pluto a planet again? it may happen this year.
- Brontosaurus should be reinstated as a distinct dinosaur, say scientists.
- Woolly mammoth could roam again as extinct DNA merged with elephant. Now THAT’s what I call a comeback.
- Near-Death Experiences: New clues to brain activity.
- From Stonehenge to Silicon Valley: how technology nurtured New Age ideas in a world supposedly stripped of its magic.
- World will get more religious by 2050.
- Chemical found in Ayahuasca may be able to completely reverse diabetes.
- Message in a bottle may be world’s oldest.
- Mathematicians chase Moonshine’s shadow. Not what you think, but don’t ask me to explain it!
- How do you plant 1 billion trees a year? With drones, of course.
- The Ocean Cleanup aims to strip 70 million kilos of plastic from the sea in 10 years.
- Do colours really warp our behaviour?.
- The ideal brain scanner.
- The allure of dark tourism.
- Every UFO sighting since 1933, mapped.
Quote of the Day:
We are not an endangered species ourselves yet, but this is not for lack of trying.
Douglas Adams