I prefer a good conspiracy theory over bad science (and bad science journalism) every time!
- Trolling conspiracy theorists, for science.
- Experts using fake monsters to test how people report encounters with mythical creatures.
- Working class monster: how folklore became a class signifier.
- Ancient shrines used for divination found in Armenia.
- Manannán Mac Lir: Games of Thrones sculptor’s statue found.
- Early humans made animated art.
- Fairy castles in the sky.
- Climbers mystified by ‘bloodcurdling screaming’.
- Is this why quantum computers don’t work?
- Using sound shifts to trace language evolution.
- Four new giant Siberian craters found after a flash of light.
- Wise up. Artificial intelligence could kill us because we’re stupid, not because it’s evil, says expert.
- Voices of the dead: the strange origins of eye idols.
- Cathedral grave may have belonged to a medieval knight.
- How extreme isolation warps the mind.
- Precognition: the shape of things to come?
Quote of the Day:
Where’s your will to be weird?
Jim Morrison