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News Briefs 03-02-2015

Hello out there?

Quote of the Day:

The sad truth is that outside of the alternative belief community, nobody’s listening.

Nick Pope

  1. “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”
    I’ve never quite been able to grasp this approach because it really doesn’t seem to have much leg room.

    – What is the definition of an ‘extraordinary claim’?
    A UFO? A subject has been around for more than a half century?
    Something that science is supposedly in business to fetch to the top but hasn’t really dipped into for over a half century?

    – What is the definition of a plain, old, ordinary claim?
    Does ordinary mean it is something we already know?

    – What credentials does one need to pin the scarlet letter of ‘extraordinary’ to any subject?
    What degrees or experience or specialty is required? Moreover, what of the same is required to challenge the same?

    I know that the quote is often attributed to the late Carl Sagan alone and as such, carries an extraordinary sum of value but, still and all… if science approached all things the way it does unexplained aerial phenomenon, then arguable odds exist that we might still be driving ox carts to the lab.

    Have a nice day 🙂

    1. Tu Diz Por Que, Je Dis Pourquoi
      Is the problem with us or with ET/God?

      Earth could obviously be a much nicer place. So, why do we go on struggling and failing, when ET/God could just intervene and “make it all better.”

      Monotheism is one of the “Big Lies” we have to overcome, both in religion and UFOlogy. There were (and are) many gods that must be reckoned with in the Universe. And these gods have been (and probably still are) at odds with one another. I don’t think we are anywhere near the point of controlling our own destiny. We are more likely the latest test model that will eventually be replaced with something else.

  2. Giant Hunter Theories (GHT)
    Preceval, great collection of stories again this week!

    Have you seen the new Discovery Channel series about the Irish dude that makes “big giant swords” on Martha’s Vineyard?

    I can’t compete with that, but I can tell you a little something about Irish Mike’s predecessors:

    1. i saw that show.
      And I think he sells himself short, selling a piece for $500 when he could make $1000 easily, and his wife agrees with me. I stopped watching though because I felt the arguing between his friends/coworkers/wife got annoying. Swords are badass, show is kind of meh.

  3. news
    New temple to the Norse gods: actually this is pretty boss, as long as we don’t bring upon another Ragnarok!

    Near-death: I wonder what happened to her in 1987. Maybe she hit her head causing the part of the brain that produces out-of-body experiences to constantly be stimulated by her brain’s electric signals. Knocking out of sync something that only effects some people when they are under the influence of drugs or anesthesia. Like the man who has orgasms all day, what a terrible life!

    Doll in the swamp: Alabama, so voodoo possibly. Conclusion: PUT THEM BACK! O_O

    Giant axes: Before everyone starts spouting out “HA! Proof of giants!” Please take into account that just like modern man, humans of the past like to try to see how big can we make things. Either that or different size axes for different kinds of wood, because some wood is denser and therefore logically require more mass to cut. This isn’t necessary with metal as much but stone may behave differently. Or yeah fuck it, aliens 😛

    Colin Betty: Damn…I want them…like trading cards, or rather, what Lovecraft and Tim Burton would do to Pokemon. And just like that I ruined my childhood…

  4. Intelligent People
    Highly intelligent people often waste that intelligence and make a mess of their lives! We might call it the Cro-Magnon syndrome. It’s probably why ET “phased out” Cro-Magnon and reduced our brain capacity. Now we’ve got to work for everything. Crap.

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