Welcome to the prison library.
- Synthetic biology and the rise of the ‘spider-goats’.
- ‘Groundhog Day’ student trapped in bizarre déjà vu time loop for 8 years.
- ESP experiments were conducted on aboriginal children without parental consent in the 1940s.
- Astronomical alignment of geoglyph in Republic of Macedonia may point to Royal connection.
- Mummy mask may reveal oldest known gospel.
- Is our planet an unviable egg?
- Has Saint Brendan’s Isle finally been found after 1500 years?
- Micro-machines journey inside animal for first time.
- First DNA tests say Kennewick Man was Native American.
- Common sense about UFOs – the unopened file.
- Cities grow like galaxies.
- The magick & madness of Geoff Crozier, psychedelic shaman, trickster, evil court jester.
- So you want to write a Fortean Book?
- UK’s first pagan same-sex marriage.
- Bizarre rituals – and why people perform them.
Quote of the Day:
When I worked in the prison library, I learnt that the books someone read said everything about them I’d need to know.
Ken London (via @cultauthor)